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File Created: 31-Mar-2016 by Karl A. Flower (KAF)
Last Edit:  05-Apr-2016 by Karl A. Flower (KAF)

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Name WHITE SLIDE Mining Division Lillooet
BCGS Map 092J080
Status Prospect NTS Map 092J09E
Latitude 050º 44' 11'' UTM 10 (NAD 83)
Longitude 122º 09' 53'' Northing 5620844
Easting 558942
Commodities Gold, Silver, Copper Deposit Types I : VEIN, BRECCIA AND STOCKWORK
Tectonic Belt Intermontane Terrane Bridge River
Capsule Geology

The White Slide occurrence is located near Puck Creek on the north side of Seton Lake, at an elevation of approximately 930 metres.

The area is underlain by marine sedimentary rocks, volcanic rocks and greenstone to greenschist metamorphic rocks of the Mississippian to Middle Jurassic Bridge River Complex. These have been intruded by bodies of granodiorite to the west.

Locally, massive and disseminated pyrrhotite with pyrite occur as stockworks in a partially silicified and chloritized schist and phyllite. Two chip samples (141002 and 141010) of vein material assayed 7.58 and 4.60 grams per tonne gold and 6.7 and 13.4 grams per tonne silver with 0.119 and 0.110 per cent copper, respectively (Assessment Report 30261).

During 2006 through 2008, American Creek Resources completed a program of geological mapping, rock sampling and prospecting on the area as the White Slide claims. Previously, two tunnels, totalling 1830 metres, were completed by Russell Ventures Mining and Rusdon Gold Mines. These are reported to be collapsed or buried at the portals.

EMPR FIELDWORK 1974, p. 35; 1985, pp. 303-310; 1986, pp. 23-29; 1987, pp. 93-130; 1988, pp. 105-152; 1989, pp. 45-72; 1990, pp. 75-83
EMPR OF 1987-11; 1988-3; 1989-4; 1990-10
EMPR PF (American Creek Resources Ltd. (2007-05-03): American Creek Exploration Update for Kamloops Area Projects)
GSC OF 482
GSC P 77-2, p. 16
GSC SUM RPT *1912, p. 207
EMPR PFD 895265