The Coyote occurrence is located on an unnamed tributary of the Lillooet River across from Twenty Five Mile Jim Creek, at an elevation of approximately 459 metres. The site is 32 kilometres north-northeast of Pemberton, just above the Hurley Road [Pemberton to Goldbridge] in the Lillooet River Valley.
The area is underlain by a granodiorite and quartz diorite batholiths of the Jurassic to Cretaceous Coast Plutonic Complex.
Locally, an oxidized and sheared pegmatite vein, approximately 1 metre wide, cuts the intrusive porphyry rock. Mineralization is comprised of disseminated psilomelane and approximately 0.5 per cent chalcopyrite. The zone strikes 170 degrees and dips 75 degrees west.
In 2001, a single sample (187600), collected by the district geologist, assayed 0.431 per cent copper, 56.80 grams per tonne silver and 1.00 per cent mercury (Property File - J. Houle [2001-10-31]: Selected Geochemistry Samples - Coyote Claims). Elevated values of lead, zinc, manganese, iron, antimony and barium were also reported.
The area was prospected and sampled in 2001.