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File Created: 03-Mar-1987 by Mary McLean (MM)
Last Edit:  03-Dec-2024 by Del Ferguson (DF)

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Name KELVIN, ALMA, ROAD, OLYMPIC Mining Division Lillooet
BCGS Map 092J087
Status Prospect NTS Map 092J15W
Latitude 050º 53' 25'' UTM 10 (NAD 83)
Longitude 122º 45' 10'' Northing 5637653
Easting 517388
Commodities Gold, Silver, Copper, Zinc Deposit Types I05 : Polymetallic veins Ag-Pb-Zn+/-Au
Tectonic Belt Coast Crystalline Terrane Bridge River, Cadwallader
Capsule Geology

The KELVIN prospect lies above the south shore of Carpenter Lake, approximately 7 kilometres northeast of Gold Bridge, B.C.

Black graphitic schist and cherty argillites and andesites of the Mississippian to Jurassic Bridge River Complex are cut by felsic dikes and dike-like serpentinized ultramafic bodies. The dikes are steeply dipping northeast and trend northwest.

Three pre-1936 Kelvin adits explored chalcopyrite, pyrite, arsenopyrite and sphalerite-bearing quartz stringers along a shear contact between the andesite/argillite package and an altered felsic dike. A grab sample of the graphitic schist assayed 22.5 grams per tonne gold and 48.3 grams per tonne silver (Assessment Report 14344).

The Road zone (Canada Day Minfile 092JNE151), approximately 700 metres west of the Kelvin prospect, is hosted at the same dike contact. The shear zone here is 3 to 4 metres wide and bleached with chloritic, sericitic and pyritic alteration. The best assays ran 5.8 grams gold per tonne, 0.83 per cent arsenic and 0.035 per cent antimony.

The Kelvin and Olympic areas saw initial development in the mid 1930s and again in the mid 1940s with underground drifting plus some drilling on the Kelvin prospect. In 1980, Noranda Mines Ltd. undertook geological mapping, soil geochemical sampling and magnetometer surveying in the area. A mapping, sampling and geological report on the Kelvin and several Olympic prospects was completed by B. Price in 1982 (Assessment Report 11139). Big I Developments Ltd. conducted programs of geological mapping, grid soil geochemical sampling in the area in 1985, as well as extending southward with prospecting up Girl Creek (south of the Kelvin prospect) and up Howe (Marquis) Creek south of the Olympic prospect.

Avino Mines and Resources Ltd. acquired the Minto property to the north of Carpenter Lake and the Olympic property south of the lake in 1987, and conducted programs of soil sampling, airborne VLF-EM and magnetometer survey, trenching and diamond drilling through to 2005. This included 8 trenches in the Olympic prospect area and 5 NQ drill holes at the Kelvin prospect. (Assessment Reports 16964, 17790, 18433, 27443, 28340).

In 2022 and 2023, Endurance Gold Corp. conducted prospecting and geochemical orientation and sampling surveys on their Olympic property and on the Sanchez property to the east, as part of their Reliance Gold project. These surveys established parallel northwest trending targets across the Kelvin, Minto-Olympic and Enigma-Dauntless areas (Assessment Report 41676). At the Kelvin prospect, a grab sample of a 20 centimetre wide gossanous vein bounded by 1 to 2 centimetre rims of semi-massive arsenopyrite-pyrite assayed 25.1 grams per tonne gold and 93.9 grams per tonne silver.

EMPR ASS RPT 8293, 8954, *11139, 12607, *14344, *16964, *17790, *18433, *27443, *28340, *41676
EMPR FIELDWORK 1974, p. 35; 1985, pp. 303-310; 1986, pp. 23-29; 1987,
pp. 93-130; 1988, pp. 105-152; 1989, pp. 45-72; 1990, pp. 75-83
EMPR OF 1987-11; 1988-3; 1989-4; 1990-10
EMPR PF (*Special Report for the Minister of Mines Annual Report
1936, Part F, by B.T. O'Grady; Geology around the Alma adit, 1987)
GSC MAP 430A; 137-431A
GSC MEM 130; 213
GSC OF 482
GSC P *43-15; 73-17
CJES 1987, Vol. 24, pp. 2279-2291
GCNL #243, 1985; #53, 1986
Sebert, C.F.B. (1987): Description of 22 Mineral Properties, Bridge
River Mining Camp, Unpublished B.Sc Thesis, University of British