An east trending tongue of augite diorite of the Permian Bralorne Igneous Complex is bordered on the north by massive greenstone of the Upper Triassic Pioneer Formation (Cadwallader Group) and on the south by serpentinite of the President Ultramafics, probably corellative with the Permian and older Shulaps Ultramafic Complex. The 225-metres wide tongue contains quartz veins both in carbonate-altered zones and in unaltered diorite. The only mineralization noted is "rust" and malachite; assays are reported to run no higher than 0.34 gram of gold per tonne (Minister of Mines Annual Report 1948, page 102).
In 1986, the area was prospected and sampled by Peter Newman.
In 2007 and 2008, airborne ZTEM surveys were completed on the area. In 2009, a MMI soil sampling program was completed. In 2011, Worthington Resources Ltd. completed a 408.5 line-kilometre airborne ZTEM survey on the area as the Royalle property.