Bibliography |
EMPR AR 1899-726; 1900-908, 913; 1901-1092; 1902-199; 1903-1231; 1904-240; 1905-208; 1906-181, 250; 1907-145, 215; 1909-144, 273; 1910-140, 149; 1911-188, 286; 1912-191; 1913-258; 1914-372; 1915-282; 1916-518; 1917-231, 450; 1918-231, 241; 1919-178; 1920-167; 1921-193; 1923-165; 1924-144; 1925-173; 1926-191, 447; 1927-216; 1928-216; 1929-440; 1930-202; 1931-112; 1932-221; 1933-265; 1934-F28; 1935-A7, F55, G41; 1937-A40, F33; 1938-A38, F66; 1939-41, 73, 156; 1940-27, 58; 1941-51; 1942-28, 56; 1943-60; 1944-41, 55; 1945-43, 84; 1946-104; 1947-134; 1948-96; 1949-104; 1950-108; 1951-41, 122; 1952-41, 111; 1953-44, 98; 1954-49, 100; 1955-A47, 32; 1956-A49, 37; 1957-A45, 22; *1958-A44, 15; 1959-A47, 26; 1960-22; 1961-A48, 26; 1962-A48, 22; 1963-A48, 41; 1964-81; 1965-143; 1966-138; 1967-129; 1968-162
EMPR ASS RPT 13617, 17213, 18330, 23257, 25356, 27355, 34874, 36529, 38967, 40143, 40623, 41719
EMPR BULL 20 (Part IV), p. 31; 100; 108, p. 41-49
EMPR ENG INSP Fiche No. 60560-60573, 60150-60151, 60154-60159, 202542, 202544, 202548, 202565-202570
EMPR EXPL 1995, p. 59; 1997, p. 34; 2003-54; 2004-58,59
EMPR Explore B.C. Program 95/96 - A32
EMPR FIELDWORK 1974, p. 35; 1985, pp. 303,311; 1986, p. 23; 1987, pp. 93-130; 1988, pp. 105-152; 1989, pp. 45-72
EMPR GEOLOGY 1975, p. 57
EMPR GEM 1969-187; 1970-225; 1971-308; 1973-251; 1974-204
EMPR INF CIRC 1993-13, p. 14; 1994-1, p. 14; 1994-19, p. 15; 1995-1, p. 15; 1995-9, p. 17; 1996-1, p. 17; 1997-1, p. 20; 1999-1, pp. 9-10, 12
EMPR MAP *65 (1989)
EMPR MINING Vol.1 1975-1980; 1981-1985
EMPR OF 1988-3; 1989-4; 1990-10; 1992-1; 1994-1
EMPR P 1991-4, pp. 182,183; 1995-3
EMPR PF (*Reports by J.S. Stevenson 1947 and 1955; Leitch, C. (1986): Bralorne Vein-Au Deposit - An Update; Company Reports, Mascot Gold Mines Ltd., 1984; Geological notes and sketch map, 1988; Field visit notes, 1986; Regional geology map; 1400 Level geology map; Plan map showing veins and vein cross-sections; Bralorne Pioneer Gold Mines Ltd. Website (June 19, 1998): Bralorne; Avino Silver & Gold Mines Ltd. Website (June 1998): Bralorne Project; Website (June 1998): Bralorne Pioneer Gold Mines Ltd.; Property description by J.S. Stevenson, 1953; Report by E.W. Grove on the Bralorne Mine, 1974; Bralorne Gold Mine, Day 3, J. Bellamy and L.W. Saleken; Draft Prospectus, EBxm Resources Inc., 1983; Composite plan map of Cadwallader-Bridge River area; Report on the Bridge River Gold Camp by D.D. Campbell, 1975; Claim map; Avino Mines & Resources Limited Project Summaries; Howlett Research Corp. (February 24, 2003): Research Report, Bralorne-Pioneer Gold Mines Ltd.; Bralorne Pioneer Gold Mines (February 2004): Bralorne Mine Progress Report; Bralorne Gold Mines Ltd. November 2005 Update; Bralorne Gold Mines Ltd. 2005 Annual Report)
EMPR PFD 901932, 902935, 903032, 903197, 903387, 903487, 903882, 11033, 11045, 11046, 11047, 11071, 11077, 11081, 11082, 11083, 11084, 11085, 11086, 11087, 11088, 11089, 11090, 11091, 11093, 11094, 11095, 11096, 11097, 11098, 11099, 11100, 11101, 11102, 11103, 11104, 11105, 11106, 11107, 11108, 11109, 11110, 11111, 11112, 11113, 11114, 11115, 11116, 11117, 11118, 11119, 11120, 11121, 11122, 11123, 11124, 11125, 11126, 11127, 11128, 11129, 11130, 11131, 11132, 11133, 11134, 11135, 11136, 11137, 751710, 751711, 751712, 751713, 751714, 751715, 751716, 751717, 751718, 751719, 752422, 752423, 752424, 752425, 752426, 752427, 752428, 752429, 752430, 752778, 752779, 752780, 752788, 752791, 750356, 750357, 750368, 750370, 750371, 750372, 750374, 750375, 750377, 752781, 752782, 752783, 752784, 752785, 752786, 752787, 752789, 752790, 750358, 750359, 750360, 750361, 750362, 750363, 750364, 750365, 750366, 750367, 750369, 750373, 750376, 750704, 750705, 906763, 906932, 907252, 907333, 907859, 907961, 908043, 908044, 908132, 908160, 908204, 908397, 812649, 812650, 812651, 812652, 812653, 820381, 820382, 820383, 820384, 820385, 820386, 820387, 820388, 820389, 820390, 820391, 820392, 820393, 820394, 820395, 820396, 820397, 820398, 820399, 820400, 820401, 820415, 820811, 881297, 881298, 881299, 881300, 881301, 881302, 881303, 881304, 881305, 881306, 881307, 881308, 881309, 881324, 881325, 881326, 881327, 881328, 881330, 881331, 881332, 881333, 881337, 881338, 881339, 881340, 881341, 881342, 881343, 881344, 881345, 881347, 881348, 881349, 881350, 881351, 881352, 881353, 881354, 881355, 881356, 881357, 881358, 881359, 881360, 881361, 881362, 881363, 881364, 881365, 881366, 885137, 881335, 826950, 826949, 826948, 826946, 826945, 826940, 800677, 801571, 801572, 801573, 801574, 801575, 801576, 801577, 801578, 801579, 801580, 801581, 801582, 801583, 801584, 801585, 801586, 801587, 801588, 801590, 801591, 801592, 801593, 801594, 600161, 802047, 801682, 801715, 801843, 802089, 840515, 840518, 840521, 861742, 861743, 861744, 861745, 861746, 861747, 861748, 861751, 861752, 861753, 861754, 861755, 861756, 843059, 843061, 843209, 673007, 673009, 673010, 673011, 673012, 673013, 673014, 673015, 673016, 673017, 673018, 673019, 673020, 673021, 674378, 502432, 502560, 502683, 502694, 502695, 502704, 502709, 502710, 508124, 508125, 508126, 508127, 508128, 830359, 830360, 830361, 675572, 675573, 675574, 675575, 675576, 675577, 675578, 675579, 675580, 675581, 675582, 675583, 675584, 675585, 675586, 675587, 675589, 675590, 675591, 675592, 675594, 675595, 675596, 675597, 675598, 675602, 675603, 675604, 675617, 675633, 675753, 676594, 676595, 676596, 676597, 676598, 676599, 676600, 676601, 676602, 676603, 676604, 896115, 896427, 896477, 520285
EMR MIN BULL MR 223 B.C. 157
GSC BULL 540, p. 59
GSC EC GEOL 15, p. 19
GSC MAP 430A; 431A; 1882
GSC MEM 130, p. 86; 213, p. 76
GSC P 43-15; 73-17
GSC SUM RPT 1911, p. 111; 1912, p. 177; 1915, p. 80; 1916, p. 45; 1928 Part A, p. 78; 1932 Part A2, p. 57; 1933 Part A, p. 69
GEOSCIENCE BC RPT 2008-1; 2017-08
CIM Transactions Vol.41 (1938), pp. 12-27; Vol.37 (1934), pp. 405-430; *July 1978, p. 96; Jubilee Vol.1 (1948), p. 168; Canadian Geology Journal, Vol.1, No.1, (1986), pp. 21-30
CIM *Vol.83, No.941, Sept. 1990, pp. 53-80
CJES Vol.24 (1987), pp. 2271-2291
CMJ Vol.83 (1962), pp. 37-43
GCNL #166, 1976; #35,#151,#153,#224, 1980; #38,#146,#231, 1981; #180, #191,#201, 1982; #63,#105, 1983; #184,#204, 1984; #20, 1985; #247, 1987; #181,#210, 1988; *#95(May 17), 1995
CMJ Mar.17, 2004
PR REL Bralorne-Pioneer Gold Mines Ltd., Sept.18, 2002; Oct.10, Dec.12, 2003;Jan.19, 22,Mar.29, Apr.13, 2004; Bralorne Gold Mines Ltd. Jun.14,2011
N MINER March 26, 1981; Nov., Oct.14, 1982; Apr.7,21, Nov., Dec. 8, 1983; March 29, July 26, Sept.6, 1984; Jan.10, Feb.7, March 7, Sept.9, 1985; Mar.1, 1989; Dec.16, 1991; Feb.17, 1997; Sept. 18, 2000; Dec.1, 2003; Sept.2, 2004; Apr.4,25, Jun.27, 2005
W MINER April 1981
Leitch, C.H. (1989): Geology, Wallrock Alteration, and Characteristics of the Ore Fluid at the Bralorne Mesothermal Gold Deposit, Southwestern British Columbia, Ph.D. Thesis, University of British Columbia
The Miner Dec. 1945, pp. 40-44; April 1935, pp. 22-25
Placer Dome File
Western Miner, July 1948
*Beacon Hill Consultants (1988) Ltd. (2012-10-15): Preliminary Economic Assessment on the Bralorne Gold Mines Property
Beacon Hill Consultants (1988) Ltd. (2012-11-20): Preliminary Economic Assessment on the Bralorne Gold Mines Property
*Kirkham, G. (2016-10-20): NI 43-101 Technical Report – Bralorne Gold Mine
*Talisker Resources Ltd. (2020-09-02): NI 43-101 Technical Report, Bralorne Gold Project, Bralorne, British Columbia, Canada
*Talisker Resources Ltd. (2023-01-20): NI 43-101 Technical Report and Mineral Resource Estimate for the Bralorne Gold Project