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File Created: 12-Jan-1987 by Mary McLean (MM)
Last Edit:  19-Dec-2024 by Del Ferguson (DF)

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NMI 092J15 Au3
BCGS Map 092J076
Status Past Producer NTS Map 092J15W
Latitude 050º 46' 40'' UTM 10 (NAD 83)
Longitude 122º 49' 20'' Northing 5624910
Easting 512632
Commodities Gold, Silver, Lead, Zinc, Copper, Tungsten Deposit Types I01 : Au-quartz veins
Tectonic Belt Coast Crystalline Terrane Bridge River, Cadwallader
Capsule Geology

The BRALORNE Mine, part of the approximately 4.5 kilometre long Bralorne Gold deposit trend, is situated adjacent to Cadwallader Creek, at Bralorne, B.C.

The Bralorne-Pioneer gold deposit is considered to belong to the mesothermal, orogenic, or greenstone-hosted quartz-carbonate gold vein deposits. These deposits form within metamorphic rocks in shallow to mid crustal depths of 5 to 15 kilometres. Quartz-carbonate veins are hosted in moderately to steeply dipping brittle-ductile shear zones and locally in shallow dipping extensional fractures. The approximately 4.5 kilometre long Bralorne-Pioneer gold-bearing vein system is a structurally-controlled hydrothermal gold deposit developed within a lensoidal block of relatively competent host rocks bounded by regional scale faults and less competent rocks.

The area is underlain by Mississippian-Jurassic Bridge River Complex (Group) and Upper Triassic Cadwallader Group sediments and volcanics which are transected by a major north trending, steeply southwest dipping fault known as the Cadwallader Break. The fault is a deep-seated crustal structure related to the Fraser fault system to the south. The fault is intruded by small granitic to ultramafic stocks and dikes. Diorite to gabbro of the Permian Bralorne Igneous Complex, in which most of the quartz veins are hosted, intrudes the Cadwallader Break as an elongate body. Diorite also intrudes Pioneer Formation (Cadwallader Group) greenstones although at times the contact appears gradational. The diorite and greenstone are in turn "intruded" by sodic granite which may be an apophysis of the Early Tertiary Bendor pluton, the main body of which lies 10 kilometres east. The sodic granite also appears gradational with the diorite and exhibits a migmatitic texture, which has led to the conclusion that it may be a late differentiation of the same magma that formed the diorite. The Sodic Granite occupies the northwest half of the intrusive belt and narrows out north and south. A 60-metre-wide belt of serpentinite (Bralorne Igneous Complex) borders the diorite on the southeast at the contact with the Noel Formation (Cadwallader Group).

The historic King, Bralorne, Ida May, Coronation and Pioneer mines all lay within the current Bralorne Gold deposit belt. These mines have developed many veins through a number of shafts and greater than 80 kilometres of tunnels on 44 levels, the deepest of which traced the 77 Vein (Bralorne East and Pioneer Blocks) to a depth of 1900 metres (Church and Jones, 1999). To date (2024), there are 86 veins identified in the project area and 63 of those are open along strike and at depth.

The age of the mineralization is constrained by three sets of isotope data; a zircon from a pre-syn mineralization albitite dike returns 91.4 +/- 1.4 Ma, while a K/Argon from a hornblende and the containing whole rock from a syn-post mineralization hornblende porphyry dike is 85.7 +/- 3 Ma. Argon/Argon step heating of associated mariposite gives a minimum age of mineralization of 70 - 80 Ma (Bulletin 108, page 47-48).

The lens hosting quartz veins is five kilometres long by 2 kilometres wide and has a complex interlacing fault system. The main producing veins generally strike east and dip varying degrees to the north, in reverse fault zones extending from the Fergusson fault (northeast dipping) to the Cadwallader fault (southwest dipping). This zone between the faults grows wider with depth, and veins are persistent, having been mined to nearly a 2 kilometre depth. Diagonal "crossover" veins host many secondary veins which are commonly brecciated.

Three types of veins are recognized along the Bralorne Gold deposit trend: fissure, tension and cross veins.

- Ribbon-banded fissure veins are the richest and most continuous and include the 51, 55 and 77 veins at Bralorne mine, the Main Vein at Pioneer mine and the Peter Vein at the Cosmopolitan prospect. They have been traced for up to 1500 metres along a 110 to 145 degree strike to a depth of 1800 metres down a steep northerly dip. Fissure veins have an average 1 to 1.5 metre width but often pinch and swell.

- Tension veins are generally less continuous with maximum strike lengths of 500 metres and similar dip extensions. They are often characterized by massive white quartz with erratic gold values and open-spaced fillings. They are hosted in fault sets that strike roughly 70 degrees and dip steeply northwest. Tension veins form oblique splays off fissure veins.

- Cross veins are sub-economic and are interpreted as connecting structures between fissure and tension veins.

Veins are composed of quartz with minor carbonate minerals, mainly calcite and ankerite and lesser amounts of chlorite, sericite, clay-altered mariposite, talc, scheelite and native gold. Sulphides, although locally abundant, make up less than 1 per cent of total vein volume. The principal sulphides are pyrite and arsenopyrite with lesser marcasite, pyrrhotite, sphalerite, stibnite, galena, chalcopyrite and rare tetrahedrite.

The Bralorne Mine is situated in the Bralorne West Block, between the King Block to the northwest and Bralorne East to the southeast. The Bralorne Diorite is the main lithology of this block, with minor pulses of the Soda Granite cutting through the diorite. Pre-mineralization fine-grained mafic to felsic dikes are common and are often associated with major mineralized structures. The main known veins in the Bralorne West Block are the 55 Vein, the 55 Hanging Wall Vein, the 101 Vein, the 53 Vein and the 225 Vein.

The Bralorne area was first staked in 1896, when small scale production began on the Pioneer Mine. Larger scale production commenced in 1928, producing 136 to 500 tonnes per day until mine closure in 1971. Numerous exploration and development works were carried out by numerous tenure holders throughout the 1970s and 1980s. In 1991, Avino Mines and Resources purchased the Bralorne and Pioneer properties, marking the first time in the history of the mining camp that all major deposits were held by the same company. Total historic production from the Bralorne and Pioneer mines is recorded as 7.3 million tonnes grading 17.7 grams per tonne gold, equating to 129.14 tonnes, while silver production was recorded as 29.61 tonnes (Church and Jones, 1999). Bralorne Gold Mines Ltd. acquired 100 per cent interest in the property from Avino in 2002.

The Bralorne mine was accessible by 4 main shafts and worked on 44 levels. During 2007 through 2012, a total of 5590.5 metres of underground development was completed on the Bralorne mine. In a June 2009 Technical Report on Bralorne Pioneer Mine Property updated resources were 17,627 tonnes measured grading 16.24 grams per tonne Au and 142,330 tonnes inferred grading 14.98 grams per tonne Au calculated at 7.78 grams per tonne Au cut-off (Technical Report June 2009 p.56,

In August 2012, an updated resource estimate for the Bralorne mine was reported at 154,750 tonnes measured and indicated grading 9.11 grams per tonne gold with an additional 246,835 tonnes inferred grading 8.78 grams per tonne gold (Beacon Hill Consultants (1988) Ltd. (2012-10-15): Preliminary Economic Assessment on the Bralorne Gold Mines Property). At the end of December 2012, total gold production was estimated at 181.58 kilograms from a total of 26,332 tonnes (dry) milled with an average feed grade of 8.9 grams per tonne gold and a recovery of 87.8 per cent (Kirkham, G. (2016-10-20): NI 43-101 Technical Report – Bralorne Gold Mine).

At the end of December 2013, total gold production was estimated at 96.30 kilograms from a total of 27,489 tonnes (dry) milled with an average feed grade of 4.2 grams per tonne gold and a recovery of 78.3 per cent (Kirkham, G. (2016-10-20): NI 43-101 Technical Report – Bralorne Gold Mine).

In December 2014, the company put the mine on care and maintenance because the tailings storage facility had reached capacity. Total production, in 2014, was estimated at 145.26 kilograms from a total of 32,181 tonnes (dry) milled with an average feed grade of 5.9 grams per tonne gold and a recovery of 83.5 per cent (Kirkham, G. (2016-10-20): NI 43-101 Technical Report – Bralorne Gold Mine).

In October 2016, an updated resource estimate for the Bralorne mine was reported at 247,773 tonnes (273,123 tons) measured and indicated grading 11.3 grams per tonne gold (0.33 ounces per ton gold) with an additional 329,786 tonnes (363,527 tons) inferred grading 7.5 grams per tonne gold (0.22 ounces per ton gold; Kirkham, G. (2016-10-20): NI 43-101 Technical Report – Bralorne Gold Mine).

In 2018 and 2019, Avino Silver and Gold Mines Ltd. completed programs of structural modeling, geological mapping, airborne and ground geophysical surveying, stream sediment sampling and diamond drilling in 84 surface holes, totaling 36 630.1 metres, on the Bralorne Gold project.

In 2018, Bralorne Gold Mines (Talisker Resources) ran aggressive programs to evaluate the potential of underexplored portions of the property, including digitization of known information, data mining and integration into 3D visualization software. Thirteen diamond drill holes in the Bralorne East and Pioneer Blocks (Ida May, Coronation and Pioneer areas) were completed from surface, totaling 3045.87 metres to delineate new resources on existing veins within the inferred resources category (Assessment Report 38967).

In 2020, Talisker Resources completed nine surface diamond drill holes, totaling 3650.7 metres, on the Bralorne Gold project. Also at this time, an updated mineral resource for the Bralorne Gold project (51B FW, 51BFW/HW, Alhambra, BK, BK-9870, BKN, Prince, Shaft and Taylor veins) was reported at 191 416 tonnes measured and indicated grading 10.61 grams per tonne gold with an additional 28 758 tonnes inferred grading 7.18 grams per tonne gold (Talisker Resources Ltd. [2020-09-02]: NI 43-101 Technical Report, Bralorne Gold Project, Bralorne, British Columbia, Canada).

In 2021, Talisker drilled 31 diamond drill holes totaling 16,814.5 metres and 3 reverse circulation holes totaling 1,343 metres in the BRX and Bralorne West blocks, as well as an airborne magnetic, VLF-EM and radiometric surveys. In 2022, a further 34,425.1 metres of infill drilling in 80 holes were completed extending from the King Block in the northwest to Pioneer in the southeast (Assessment Report 40623). In the Bralorne West Block (Bralorne mine) drill hole SB-2022-002 intercepted 1.55 metres grading 75.63 grams per tonne gold through the 55HW Vein and drill hole SB-2022-013 intercepted 3.9 metres grading 18.24 grams per tonne gold through the 55 Vein. In latter 2022, 2458 metres were drilled in 3 holes to extend boundaries of known veins along strike and at depth (Assessment Report 41719).

In March 2023, Talisker Resources released a NI 43-101 Technical Report and Mineral Resource Estimate for the Bralorne Gold Project. Total Indicated at this time were 117,300 tonnes grading 8.85 grams per tonne gold and total inferred were 8,033,600 tonnes grading 6.32 grams per tonne gold. This resource is approximately defined along a 4.5 kilometre strike length, to a depth of 700 metres (Assessment Report 41719).

EMPR AR 1899-726; 1900-908, 913; 1901-1092; 1902-199; 1903-1231; 1904-240; 1905-208; 1906-181, 250; 1907-145, 215; 1909-144, 273; 1910-140, 149; 1911-188, 286; 1912-191; 1913-258; 1914-372; 1915-282; 1916-518; 1917-231, 450; 1918-231, 241; 1919-178; 1920-167; 1921-193; 1923-165; 1924-144; 1925-173; 1926-191, 447; 1927-216; 1928-216; 1929-440; 1930-202; 1931-112; 1932-221; 1933-265; 1934-F28; 1935-A7, F55, G41; 1937-A40, F33; 1938-A38, F66; 1939-41, 73, 156; 1940-27, 58; 1941-51; 1942-28, 56; 1943-60; 1944-41, 55; 1945-43, 84; 1946-104; 1947-134; 1948-96; 1949-104; 1950-108; 1951-41, 122; 1952-41, 111; 1953-44, 98; 1954-49, 100; 1955-A47, 32; 1956-A49, 37; 1957-A45, 22; *1958-A44, 15; 1959-A47, 26; 1960-22; 1961-A48, 26; 1962-A48, 22; 1963-A48, 41; 1964-81; 1965-143; 1966-138; 1967-129; 1968-162
EMPR BULL 20 (Part IV), p. 31; 100; 108, p. 41-49
EMPR ENG INSP Fiche No. 60560-60573, 60150-60151, 60154-60159, 202542, 202544, 202548, 202565-202570
EMPR EXPL 1995, p. 59; 1997, p. 34; 2003-54; 2004-58,59
EMPR Explore B.C. Program 95/96 - A32
EMPR FIELDWORK 1974, p. 35; 1985, pp. 303,311; 1986, p. 23; 1987, pp. 93-130; 1988, pp. 105-152; 1989, pp. 45-72
EMPR GEOLOGY 1975, p. 57
EMPR GEM 1969-187; 1970-225; 1971-308; 1973-251; 1974-204
EMPR INF CIRC 1993-13, p. 14; 1994-1, p. 14; 1994-19, p. 15; 1995-1, p. 15; 1995-9, p. 17; 1996-1, p. 17; 1997-1, p. 20; 1999-1, pp. 9-10, 12
EMPR MAP *65 (1989)
EMPR MINING Vol.1 1975-1980; 1981-1985
EMPR OF 1988-3; 1989-4; 1990-10; 1992-1; 1994-1
EMPR P 1991-4, pp. 182,183; 1995-3
EMPR PF (*Reports by J.S. Stevenson 1947 and 1955; Leitch, C. (1986): Bralorne Vein-Au Deposit - An Update; Company Reports, Mascot Gold Mines Ltd., 1984; Geological notes and sketch map, 1988; Field visit notes, 1986; Regional geology map; 1400 Level geology map; Plan map showing veins and vein cross-sections; Bralorne Pioneer Gold Mines Ltd. Website (June 19, 1998): Bralorne; Avino Silver & Gold Mines Ltd. Website (June 1998): Bralorne Project; Website (June 1998): Bralorne Pioneer Gold Mines Ltd.; Property description by J.S. Stevenson, 1953; Report by E.W. Grove on the Bralorne Mine, 1974; Bralorne Gold Mine, Day 3, J. Bellamy and L.W. Saleken; Draft Prospectus, EBxm Resources Inc., 1983; Composite plan map of Cadwallader-Bridge River area; Report on the Bridge River Gold Camp by D.D. Campbell, 1975; Claim map; Avino Mines & Resources Limited Project Summaries; Howlett Research Corp. (February 24, 2003): Research Report, Bralorne-Pioneer Gold Mines Ltd.; Bralorne Pioneer Gold Mines (February 2004): Bralorne Mine Progress Report; Bralorne Gold Mines Ltd. November 2005 Update; Bralorne Gold Mines Ltd. 2005 Annual Report)
EMPR PFD 901932, 902935, 903032, 903197, 903387, 903487, 903882, 11033, 11045, 11046, 11047, 11071, 11077, 11081, 11082, 11083, 11084, 11085, 11086, 11087, 11088, 11089, 11090, 11091, 11093, 11094, 11095, 11096, 11097, 11098, 11099, 11100, 11101, 11102, 11103, 11104, 11105, 11106, 11107, 11108, 11109, 11110, 11111, 11112, 11113, 11114, 11115, 11116, 11117, 11118, 11119, 11120, 11121, 11122, 11123, 11124, 11125, 11126, 11127, 11128, 11129, 11130, 11131, 11132, 11133, 11134, 11135, 11136, 11137, 751710, 751711, 751712, 751713, 751714, 751715, 751716, 751717, 751718, 751719, 752422, 752423, 752424, 752425, 752426, 752427, 752428, 752429, 752430, 752778, 752779, 752780, 752788, 752791, 750356, 750357, 750368, 750370, 750371, 750372, 750374, 750375, 750377, 752781, 752782, 752783, 752784, 752785, 752786, 752787, 752789, 752790, 750358, 750359, 750360, 750361, 750362, 750363, 750364, 750365, 750366, 750367, 750369, 750373, 750376, 750704, 750705, 906763, 906932, 907252, 907333, 907859, 907961, 908043, 908044, 908132, 908160, 908204, 908397, 812649, 812650, 812651, 812652, 812653, 820381, 820382, 820383, 820384, 820385, 820386, 820387, 820388, 820389, 820390, 820391, 820392, 820393, 820394, 820395, 820396, 820397, 820398, 820399, 820400, 820401, 820415, 820811, 881297, 881298, 881299, 881300, 881301, 881302, 881303, 881304, 881305, 881306, 881307, 881308, 881309, 881324, 881325, 881326, 881327, 881328, 881330, 881331, 881332, 881333, 881337, 881338, 881339, 881340, 881341, 881342, 881343, 881344, 881345, 881347, 881348, 881349, 881350, 881351, 881352, 881353, 881354, 881355, 881356, 881357, 881358, 881359, 881360, 881361, 881362, 881363, 881364, 881365, 881366, 885137, 881335, 826950, 826949, 826948, 826946, 826945, 826940, 800677, 801571, 801572, 801573, 801574, 801575, 801576, 801577, 801578, 801579, 801580, 801581, 801582, 801583, 801584, 801585, 801586, 801587, 801588, 801590, 801591, 801592, 801593, 801594, 600161, 802047, 801682, 801715, 801843, 802089, 840515, 840518, 840521, 861742, 861743, 861744, 861745, 861746, 861747, 861748, 861751, 861752, 861753, 861754, 861755, 861756, 843059, 843061, 843209, 673007, 673009, 673010, 673011, 673012, 673013, 673014, 673015, 673016, 673017, 673018, 673019, 673020, 673021, 674378, 502432, 502560, 502683, 502694, 502695, 502704, 502709, 502710, 508124, 508125, 508126, 508127, 508128, 830359, 830360, 830361, 675572, 675573, 675574, 675575, 675576, 675577, 675578, 675579, 675580, 675581, 675582, 675583, 675584, 675585, 675586, 675587, 675589, 675590, 675591, 675592, 675594, 675595, 675596, 675597, 675598, 675602, 675603, 675604, 675617, 675633, 675753, 676594, 676595, 676596, 676597, 676598, 676599, 676600, 676601, 676602, 676603, 676604, 896115, 896427, 896477, 520285
EMR MIN BULL MR 223 B.C. 157
GSC BULL 540, p. 59
GSC EC GEOL 15, p. 19
GSC MAP 430A; 431A; 1882
GSC MEM 130, p. 86; 213, p. 76
GSC P 43-15; 73-17
GSC SUM RPT 1911, p. 111; 1912, p. 177; 1915, p. 80; 1916, p. 45; 1928 Part A, p. 78; 1932 Part A2, p. 57; 1933 Part A, p. 69
GEOSCIENCE BC RPT 2008-1; 2017-08
CIM Transactions Vol.41 (1938), pp. 12-27; Vol.37 (1934), pp. 405-430; *July 1978, p. 96; Jubilee Vol.1 (1948), p. 168; Canadian Geology Journal, Vol.1, No.1, (1986), pp. 21-30
CIM *Vol.83, No.941, Sept. 1990, pp. 53-80
CJES Vol.24 (1987), pp. 2271-2291
CMJ Vol.83 (1962), pp. 37-43
GCNL #166, 1976; #35,#151,#153,#224, 1980; #38,#146,#231, 1981; #180, #191,#201, 1982; #63,#105, 1983; #184,#204, 1984; #20, 1985; #247, 1987; #181,#210, 1988; *#95(May 17), 1995
CMJ Mar.17, 2004
PR REL Bralorne-Pioneer Gold Mines Ltd., Sept.18, 2002; Oct.10, Dec.12, 2003;Jan.19, 22,Mar.29, Apr.13, 2004; Bralorne Gold Mines Ltd. Jun.14,2011
N MINER March 26, 1981; Nov., Oct.14, 1982; Apr.7,21, Nov., Dec. 8, 1983; March 29, July 26, Sept.6, 1984; Jan.10, Feb.7, March 7, Sept.9, 1985; Mar.1, 1989; Dec.16, 1991; Feb.17, 1997; Sept. 18, 2000; Dec.1, 2003; Sept.2, 2004; Apr.4,25, Jun.27, 2005
W MINER April 1981
Leitch, C.H. (1989): Geology, Wallrock Alteration, and Characteristics of the Ore Fluid at the Bralorne Mesothermal Gold Deposit, Southwestern British Columbia, Ph.D. Thesis, University of British Columbia
The Miner Dec. 1945, pp. 40-44; April 1935, pp. 22-25
Placer Dome File
Western Miner, July 1948
*Beacon Hill Consultants (1988) Ltd. (2012-10-15): Preliminary Economic Assessment on the Bralorne Gold Mines Property
Beacon Hill Consultants (1988) Ltd. (2012-11-20): Preliminary Economic Assessment on the Bralorne Gold Mines Property
*Kirkham, G. (2016-10-20): NI 43-101 Technical Report – Bralorne Gold Mine
*Talisker Resources Ltd. (2020-09-02): NI 43-101 Technical Report, Bralorne Gold Project, Bralorne, British Columbia, Canada
*Talisker Resources Ltd. (2023-01-20): NI 43-101 Technical Report and Mineral Resource Estimate for the Bralorne Gold Project