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File Created: 23-Jun-2016 by Nicole Barlow (NB)
Last Edit:  28-Jul-2016 by Nicole Barlow (NB)

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Name MARLOW Mining Division Kamloops
BCGS Map 092I033
Status Showing NTS Map 092I06W
Latitude 050º 25' 37'' UTM 10 (NAD 83)
Longitude 121º 25' 26'' Northing 5587289
Easting 611949
Commodities Gold Deposit Types
Tectonic Belt Intermontane Terrane Overlap Assemblage
Capsule Geology

The Marlow occurrence is located approximately 5.46 kilometres west of Spences Bridge at an elevation of approximately 1000 metres.

Regionally, the northwest-southeast–trending Lower Cretaceous Spences Bridge Group is part of the Southern Intermontane Tectonic Belt of the Canadian Cordillera. The Spences Bridge Group volcanics are faulted against older plutonic and related metamorphic rocks of the Triassic-Jurassic Mount Lytton Complex. Stratigraphy is intruded by abundant Late Triassic and/or Jurassic to Miocene plutons. Metamorphic assemblages consist of Cache Creek Complex mélanges and Bridge River Complex metamorphic and ultramafic rocks. Quaternary sediments occur as thick drifts along the main rivers and some of the larger creeks.

Locally, the dominant rock types are subaerial andesite flows and tuffs, overlain by amygdule-rich basaltic flows. Minor felsic flows occur within these intermediate and mafic rocks, along with some sandstone, shale and conglomerate units.

Mineralization observed on the property consists of fine-grained, pyritic rhyolitic tuffs and possible welded tuffs, andesites, and intermediate feldspar porphyries (Assessment Report 28495). Sample CM-01 consisted of float/subcrop material with quartz veins and breccia fillings in andesite and feldspar porphyry. The sampled material consisted of 3 to 4 centimetre quartz veins in felsic tuff float.

Ten rock samples were collected and assayed. Sample CM-01 assayed 0.21 gram per tonne gold (Assessment Report 28495). Sample JCTR-04 was taken approximately 700 metres to the southwest of CM-01 and assayed 0.18 gram per tonne gold (Assessment Report 28495).

In April 2006, Jeremy Marlow and Trevor Fulcher collected ten rock samples, one soil sample, and nine silt samples while prospecting in the vicinity of the Marlow occurrence.

EMPR ASS RPT 27672, 28182, *28495, 28559, 29084, *34626
GSC MAP 42-1989
PR REL Almaden Minerals Ltd., Jan. 21, 2005