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File Created: 29-Mar-2012 by Karl A. Flower (KAF)
Last Edit:  27-Mar-2022 by Nicole Barlow (NB)

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Name DOT, JUBILEE Mining Division Kamloops, New Westminster
BCGS Map 092I002
Status Showing NTS Map 092I04E
Latitude 050º 01' 23'' UTM 10 (NAD 83)
Longitude 121º 36' 25'' Northing 5542124
Easting 599787
Commodities Gold Deposit Types
Tectonic Belt Coast Crystalline Terrane Bridge River, Shuksan
Capsule Geology

The Dot showing is located on the north side of the Nahatlatch River, approximately 21 kilometres northwest of the community of Boston Bar.

The area is underlain by northwest- trending, steeply dipping, highly foliated cherts and greenstone with ophiolite of the Mississippian-Middle Jurassic Bridge River serpentinite complex and lower greenschist facies meta-sedimentary rocks consisting of phyllites and micaceous schist of the Cayoosh assemblage. These are fault-bounded by the Kwoiek Creek fault system. The serpentinite is interpreted to pinch out near the southern boundary of the Dot claim; at this point, the faults bounding the serpentinite coalesce into a single structure, forming the main strand of the Kwoiek Creek fault system. Two syn-post accretionary intrusive stocks, probably of Tertiary age, intrude the accretionary complex along zones of structural weakness and are spatially related to the gold enrichment zones. The stock has a predominantly granodioritic composition.

Locally, several sub-paralleling shear zones, related to the Kwoiek Creek fault system, host a number of lensoid-shaped, highly fractured quartz veins. The veins are usually less than 0.5 metres wide and tend to be barren of sulphides. Adjacent to the veins hosted in the shears is highly gossanous gouge material mineralized with arsenopyrite, pyrite, pyrrhotite and minor chalcopyrite.

Historically, the watersheds adjacent to the property were prospected at the turn of the century. Subsequently, anomalous gold-bearing quartz structures were discovered on ground now covered by the claim group. Old gold workings consist of open cuts and shallow pits on the former Jubilee, Summit and Serpentine (MINFILE 092ISW055) claims. In 1983, the old workings were rediscovered by D.G. Cardinal. In 1985, Hudson Bay Exploration & Development conducted a program of regional geology, geochemical and geophysical surveys and six diamond drill holes. In 1988, Westerra Resources Ltd. carried out sampling and geological surveys examining the Summit and Serpentine showings. In 2002, D.G. Cardinal staked open ground covering the old Serpentine and Summit gold showings as the Apex claims and later, in 2005, the Dot claims to cover the former Jubilee showing. In 2010, Homestake Resources Ltd. conducted an exploration program on the Dot claims. The property was then optioned to Electra Gold Ltd. In 2011, Electra Gold Ltd conducted an exploratory drilling program on the Dot zone. Due to financial reasons, Electra Gold Ltd. was forced to drop their option on the property. In 2012, Dan G. Cardinal completed reconnaissance geological mapping and rock sampling on the property.

In 1983, a grab sample of the structure assayed 26.0 grams per tonne gold (Assessment Report 31692).

In 2010, two samples of gossanous material assayed 61.7 and 15.25 grams per tonne gold, respectively (Assessment Report 31692).

In 2011, five drillholes totalling 454.57 metres were drilled in the Dot zone. Highlights include drillhole DOT-01-11, which assayed 1.391 grams per tonne gold over 8.2 metres, and drillhole DOT-04-11, which assayed 2.067 grams per tonne gold over 5.59 metres (Assessment Report 32447).

In 2012, two samples of gossanous material assayed 15.4 and 6.8 grams per tonne gold and a third quartz vein sample with massive arsenopyrite stringers assayed 1.98 grams per tonne gold (Assessment Report 33781).

EMPR ASS RPT 28317, 30564, 31199, *31692, *32447, *33781, 34481, 35370, 36001, 39876
Lennan, W.B. (2012-01-24): Technical Summary Report on the DOT-APEX CLAIM GROUP, New Westminster and Kamloops Mining Divisions dated November 1, 2011