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File Created: 30-Mar-1987 by Allan Wilcox (AFW)
Last Edit:  04-Apr-2022 by Karl A. Flower (KAF)

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Name BOB, COP Mining Division Kamloops
BCGS Map 092I042
Status Showing NTS Map 092I05E
Latitude 050º 25' 36'' UTM 10 (NAD 83)
Longitude 121º 36' 43'' Northing 5587006
Easting 598601
Commodities Copper, Molybdenum Deposit Types L04 : Porphyry Cu +/- Mo +/- Au
K01 : Cu skarn
Tectonic Belt Intermontane Terrane Quesnel, Bridge River, Methow
Capsule Geology

The Bob occurrence is located near the headwaters of an unnamed, westerly flowing, tributary of Izman Creek.

The area is underlain by Triassic Mount Lytton Complex intrusives. These comprise dioritic rocks in gradational contact with amphibolite, mylonite and layered sequences of anorthosite, granodiorite and gabbro. These are intruded by andesite dikes and quartz diorite.

Blebs and pods of chalcopyrite with minor bornite and trace molybdenite occur in quartz stringers and as disseminations in skarn altered crystalline limestone. Quartz stringers are 1 to 5 centimetres wide and locally up to 45 centimetres wide. The main showing is 182 by 61 metres wide. Other skarn minerals include garnet, epidote, calcite, hematite and chlorite. Magnetite is reported as locally disseminated in the skarn and in the amphibolites. On the lower flanks of the mountain, disseminated pyrite and chalcopyrite occur in fractures in quartz monzonite. Malachite is common throughout the whole area.

Limestone bedding and amphibolite foliation trend northwest. Limestone is folded anticlinally with limbs dipping to the southwest and northeast. Rocks are extensively fractured. Other rocks on the property include chloritic to siliceous andesite, dioritic rocks, quartz diorite gneiss and hornblende andesite dikes.

Numerous quartz veins varying from 1 to 50 centimetres cut both the intrusive and sedimentary rocks and the principal mineral of economic importance is chalcopyrite with minor bornite occurring as blebs and pods within quartz stringers and as disseminations in the skarn.

Work History

In the early 1970's, a large coincidental copper-molybdenum soil anomaly was located by El Paso Mining and Milling Company. In 1976, Hoko Exploration attempted to drill the main showing but failed as the drill was too small to cut the heavily fractured rock. In 2005, the area was explored as part of the Pharoh project by 665777 BC Limited.

In 2007 Bitterroot Resources explored the area as the Spences Bridge Project. They conducted a stream sediment and soil geochemical sampling program.

In September 2013 Pacific Empire Minerals Corp. staked the area of the Bob showing and in October conducted an exploration program. Nine rock chip samples from the area of the Bob showing were assayed and sample 024 was reported as 0.8940 per cent Cu, 0.048 gram per tonne Au and 5.3 grams per tonne Ag. See Table 9.1 and 9.2 from Assessment Report 35024 for further details.

In 2019, a program of rock sampling and a ground magnetometer survey were completed on the area. In 2020, Prisma Capital Inc. completed a minor program of rock and soil sampling on the area as the McGill property.

EMPR AR 1971-292; 1972-148
EMPR ASS RPT 2985, 3937, 3938, 4119, 4120, 4451, *6294, 28169, 30100, 35024, 39303
EMPR GEM *1977-E141
EMPR PF (Reports by Santana International Resources)
GSC MAP 1010A; 42-1989
GSC OF 980
GSC P 46-8; 47-10; 81-1A, pp. 185-189; 85-1A, pp. 349-358
CIM Vol.64, May 1971, pp. 37-61
Butler, S.P. (2020-12-22): Technical Report on the McGill Property near Lytton, British Columbia, Canada
Butler, S.P. (2021-05-06): Technical Report on the McGill Property near Lytton, British Columbia, Canada