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File Created: 30-Mar-1987 by Allan Wilcox (AFW)
Last Edit:  12-Feb-1991 by Shielagh N. Banfield (SNB)

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Name MOLLY B Mining Division Kamloops
BCGS Map 092I023
Status Showing NTS Map 092I03W
Latitude 050º 13' 36'' UTM 10 (NAD 83)
Longitude 121º 28' 11'' Northing 5564953
Easting 609152
Commodities Copper Deposit Types
Tectonic Belt Intermontane Terrane Quesnel
Capsule Geology

The Molly B showing is located in outcrop on Gladwin Creek, 3.2 kilometres southeast of Gladwin.

Small local occurrences of malachite are found in shear zones within Triassic Mount Lytton Complex diorites and quartz diorites. Chlorite alteration of the intrusives is extensive. Pegmatite dykes cut intrusives. In one locality wide lenses of mineralized quartz is reported although no details are given (Meyer, 1969).

Areas of intense alteration were outlined by a magnetometer survey and scattered anomalies found from the soil survey. No other information is available.

EMPR GEM 1969-242
EMPR PF (Rpt. by W. Meyer, 1969)
GSC MAP 1010A; 42-1989
GSC OF 980
GSC P 46-8; 47-10; 81-1A, pp. 185-189; 85-1A, pp. 349-358
EMPR PFD 11018