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File Created: 27-Mar-1987 by Allan Wilcox (AFW)
Last Edit:  17-Aug-2007 by Sarah Meredith-Jones (SMJ)

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NMI 029I4 Au
Name LYTTON GOLD Mining Division Kamloops
BCGS Map 092I022
Status Prospect NTS Map 092I04E, 092I04W
Latitude 050º 12' 19'' UTM 10 (NAD 83)
Longitude 121º 43' 50'' Northing 5562226
Easting 590588
Commodities Gold, Lead, Zinc Deposit Types I05 : Polymetallic veins Ag-Pb-Zn+/-Au
Tectonic Belt Coast Crystalline Terrane Plutonic Rocks
Capsule Geology

The Lytton Gold showing is exposed by trenches in the "main zone" on a ridge 1.1 kilometres southwest of the Mount Roach apex.

A major strike-slip fault/shear zone up to 100 metres wide and traced for 3000 metres trends 315 degrees and dips 45 to 75 degrees in Late Cretaceous Scuzzy pluton biotite granodiorite. Sparsely mineralized quartz veins occur in the hanging wall of the shear zone. Quartz veins can be traced for a strike length of 1700 metres and a vertical distance of 400 metres. They are up to 3 metres wide and milky white.

Carbonate, locally altered to limonite, occupies up to 20 per cent of vein material in places. Arsenopyrite, pyrite and trace galena and sphalerite occur in parallel bands or chloritic lenses adjacent to the quartz veins. Weak sericitic, chloritic and pyritic alteration occurs in metre wide halos. In areas of cross faulting, alteration halos are up to 10 metres wide. Alteration minerals include sericite, albite, chlorite, epidote and pyrite.

Twenty-two trenches were blasted and sampled in the "main zone" where the quartz vein is very "strong". Twenty-three samples taken over a 165 metre section of vein averaged 3.46 grams per tonne gold over 1.4 metres (Assessment Report 17945).

M.Y. Williams examined the property in 1934 for Lytton Gold Mines Ltd. In his report, references are made to extensive previous workings in several areas of the property, specifically a series of opencuts and a 24 metre adit. Williams reports that a 0.9 tonne sample shipment was made about 20 years prior to his visit.

Rea Gold reported in 1988 (Assessment Report 17945) that several adits and many opencuts are visible on the property and a substantial mining camp had existed on the south branch of "Styron" (Stryen) Creek which included at least six major buildings and a compressor.

Conwest Exploration drilled at least one x-ray diamond drill in 1972. Rea Petro Corporation optioned the property in 1981 and carried out a program of soil sampling and mapping. By 1988, the property was owned by Rea Gold Corporation and Shamrock Resources Inc. Prospecting was carried out and 143 rock samples and 107 soil samples were collected. Twenty-two trenches totalling 33 metres were excavated.

EMPR ASS RPT 8758, 9919, *17945
EMPR EXPL *1980-222
EMPR PF (Report by M.Y. Williams, 1934)
GSC MAP 1010A; 1386A; *42-1989
GSC MEM 262, p. 105
GSC P 46-8; 47-10
EMPR PFD 800919