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File Created: 27-Mar-1987 by Allan Wilcox (AFW)
Last Edit:  06-Feb-1991 by Shielagh N. Banfield (SNB)

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Name SPENCES BRIDGE Mining Division Kamloops
BCGS Map 092I034
Status Showing NTS Map 092I06W
Latitude 050º 23' 08'' UTM 10 (NAD 83)
Longitude 121º 22' 14'' Northing 5582769
Easting 615838
Commodities Coal Deposit Types
Tectonic Belt Intermontane Terrane Overlap Assemblage
Capsule Geology

The Spences Bridge Coal showing is located in a dry gully 4.2 kilometres directly southwest of Spences Bridge.

A stratabound lignite seam, 30 by 2 metres, outcrops in a partly consolidated sandstone bed of very limited extent within Middle and Upper Cretaceous Kingsvale Group mafic volcanics. The Kingsvale Group has been redefined to the Spius Creek Formation of the Spences Bridge Group (Geological Survey of Canada Map 42-1989).

Two short adits were reported in 1952. No other information is available.

GSC MAP *1010A; 1386A; *42-1989
GSC MEM *262, p. 110
GSC OF 980
GSC P 46-8; 47-10; 81-IA, pp. 185-189; 85-1A, pp. 349-358