The San Jose claims covered a large area east of Skuhost Creek and was often amalgamated with the Alamo showing (MINFILE 092ISW033) immediately north.
The area is underlain by Bethsaida phase quartz monzonites of the Upper Triassic to Lower Jurassic Guichon Creek Batholith. Dacite porphyry and aplite dikes have been reported.
Locally, trenches have identified trace malachite, chalcocite and chalcopyrite in shattered and moderately altered Bethsaida phase intrusive rocks. Varying degrees of argillic alteration and zeolite are present (Assessment Report 7836).
In 1979, sampling of a 1.5-metre wide boulder from trench 3-1 yielded 1 per cent copper (Assessment Report 7836).
Work History
In 1965, Rio Tinto Exploration Ltd. completed a program of soil sampling and geological mapping on the area as the Ro claims. In 1966, San Jose Mines Ltd. completed a soil sampling program on the Alamo and San Jose claims. Also during 1965 through 1967, Oro Mines Ltd. completed programs of soil sampling, trenching and an induced polarization survey on thee area as the area immediately east of the occurrence as MM, Price and Rob claims.
In 1969, San Jose Mines Ltd. completed a 93.0 line-kilometre airborne magnetic survey on the Alamo and San Jose claims. Also in 1969, Cominco Ltd. completed a program of geological mapping and a 42.3 line-kilometre induced polarization survey on the area immediately south and west of the occurrence as the Bin claims and Tyner Lake Mines Ltd. completed a 268.3 line-kilometre ground magnetic survey and a 122.0 line-kilometre induced polarization survey on the area.
In 1971, San Jacinto Explorations Ltd. completed a program of ground electromagnetic and magnetic surveys on the San Jose claims. In 1972, a 13.7 line-kilometre ground electromagnetic and magnetic survey and a 3.6 line-kilometre induced polarization survey on the Alamo claims. In 1978, Lorado Mining Corp. Ltd. completed seven percussion drill holes, totalling 514.0 metres, and a 1 line-kilometre seismic survey on the area as the SV property. The following year, Lornex Mining Corp. Ltd. completed a program of trenching, 10 diamond drill holes, totalling 974.5 metres, and 5 percussion drill holes, totalling 74.7 metres, on the SV claims.
In 1981, Norsemont Mining Co. Ltd. completed a ground magnetic survey on the SV claims. In 1985, Norsemont Mining completed an airborne electromagnetic and magnetic survey on the SV 1-13 claims. In 1986, Teck Ex. completed a 52.5 line-kilometre induced polarization survey on the area as the SV 21-26.