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File Created: 07-Feb-2019 by Karl A. Flower (KAF)
Last Edit:  25-Apr-2019 by Karl A. Flower (KAF)

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Name GAP 1-2, NAT 16, GAZA 1, GAZA SOUTH Mining Division Kamloops
BCGS Map 092I046
Status Prospect NTS Map 092I07W
Latitude 050º 26' 51'' UTM 10 (NAD 83)
Longitude 120º 56' 57'' Northing 5590397
Easting 645603
Commodities Copper Deposit Types L04 : Porphyry Cu +/- Mo +/- Au
Tectonic Belt Intermontane Terrane Quesnel
Capsule Geology

The Gap 1-2 (Gaza South) occurrence is located south of Witches Brook, at an elevation of approximately 1470 metres and approximately 3.5 kilometres northeast of Gnawed Mountain.

The area is situated along the contact between Guichon and Chataway varieties of the Highland Valley phase of the Lower Jurassic Guichon Creek Batholith. The Guichon variety, on the southeast side, is medium- to coarse-grained granodiorite to quartz diorite. The Chataway variety is younger granodiorite, also medium- to coarse- grained with slightly less mafic minerals. The area is cut by faults and fractures of variable orientations.

Locally, a cleared area, 30 metres square, and a 30-metre long trench expose altered shear zones and fractures trending east-northeast in a sericitized granodiorite. Other alteration minerals consist of chlorite, malachite, epidote, minor potassium feldspar, clay and zeolites (stilbite, heulandite). Bornite and chalcopyrite occur on chlorite-coated fractures. Specularite is found in quartz vein float material. Drilling has traced the mineralized zone along strike for at least 90 metres, with widths of 7.2 to 42 metres and to a depth of 45 to 75 metres.

In 1964, drill hole sludge samples yielded 0.68 per cent copper over 9.0 metres in hole 7, 1.31 per cent copper over 41.7 metres in hole 8 and 0.77 per cent copper over 57.6 metres in hole 9, including 1.02 per cent copper over 27.0 metres (Property File - Gaza Mines Ltd. [1964-12-01]: Summary Report - 1964 - Gaza Mines Ltd.). Other drill holes are reported on a geophysical anomaly, located approximately 700 metres to the southeast on the Nat 16 claim, but no drill logs of the holes are known.

In 1963, Sheba Copper Mines Ltd. exposed and trenched a mineralized zone on the Gap 1-2 claims. In 1964, Gaza Mines Ltd. completed an induced polarization survey on the area and four drill holes on the Gap 1-2 claims. In 1966, Canadian Superior Exploration Ltd. and Jericho Mines Ltd. completed a program of silt and soil sampling, geological mapping, trenching and a 57.6 line-kilometre induced polarization survey on the area. In 1969, Tremar Mines completed a 50.5 line-kilometre induced polarization survey. The following year, 11 percussion drill holes, totalling 1035 metres, were completed. In 1971, Highmont Mining Corp. optioned the property and completed 17 diamond drill holes, totalling 2538 metres, and 30 percussion drill holes, totalling 2926 metres. In 1972, a program of geological mapping, an induced polarization survey, six trenches, five percussion drill holes and three diamond drill holes were completed on the property. In 1974, Highmont Mining Corp. completed a program of soil sampling on the area. In 1979, Highmont Mining Corp. and New Jericho Mines Ltd. completed three diamond drill holes, totalling 61 metres. Later the same year, Highmont Operating Corp. completed a drilling program including 2 churn drill holes, totalling 174.0 metres, 11 percussion drill holes, totalling 165.0 metres, 2 rotary drill holes, totalling 134.0 metres, and 5 diamond drill holes, totalling 504.0 metres, on the Gaza and Jericho claims. In 1981, a further 11 rotary drill holes, totalling 87.8 metres, were completed. In 1984, a program of soil sampling and 10 percussion drill holes, totalling 1002.8 metres, were completed on the Gaza 1 occurrence to the north.

EMPR AR 1968-193
EMPR ASS RPT 1882, 2052, 5056, 7756, 8479, 9444, 13318
EMPR EXPL 1979-168; 1980-228; 1981-39; 1984-209; 1989-119-134
EMPR GEM 1969-253; 1970-345; 1971-348; 1972-169; 1973-175; 1974-143
EMPR PF (unknown [unknown]: Geology Sketch Overlay Map - Sheba; unknown [unknown]: Geology Map - Southern Highland Valley; unknown [unknown]: Geology Map - Highland Valley Area; *Gaza Mines Ltd. [1964-12-01]: Summary Report - 1964; Canadian Superior Exploration Ltd. [1966]: Final Geochem. Compilation Map - South Grid - Jericho Project; Pilcher, S.H. [1968-08-30]: ; Tremar Mines Ltd. [1969-07-01]: IP Survey - Gaza Property; Tremar Mines Ltd. [1969-12-01]: A Geophysical Report on an Induced Polarization Survey - Nat and Jericho; Reed, A.J. [1972-04-26]: Section Along Gaza Cut Line 12W; Highmont Mining Corp. Ltd. [1972-06-05]: Press Release - Re: Exploration on Jericho claims - Highland Valley area; Highmont Mining Corp. Ltd. [1972-12-31]: Annual Report 1972 - Highmont Mining Corp. Ltd.; McMillan, W.J. [1974-06-10]: Notes and Sketch Maps - Gaza; Teck Corp. [1980]: Claim Map - Bornite Ridge/Jericho)
GSC OF 980