The Min occurrence is located east of Minnie Lake, on the northern side of Walsley Creek.
The area is underlain by granitic rocks of the Lower Jurassic Pennask Batholith.
Locally, chalcopyrite and lesser molybdenite mineralization occurs along fractures and as disseminations in a quartz veined and fractured quartz diorite.
Work History
In 1967, Bardale Mining and Development Ltd. completed a soil sampling program on the area immediately east of the occurrence as the L & M claims. In 1969, the area was prospected by Cannoo Mines as a part of their Minnie Lake property.
During 1979 through 1981, Dakota Energy completed programs of geochemical (soil) sampling, induced polarization and VLF-EM surveys on the area as the Min group.
In 2016, Victory Resources Corp. completed programs of photogeological (lineament) analysis and ground magnetic surveys on the area immediately south and southeast of the occurrence as the Toni property.