The Top Hat occurrence is located 18 kilometres east- southeast of Lillooet in the headwaters of Cinquefoil Creek between Blustry Mountain and Cairn Peak, at approximately 2040 metres elevation.
The area is underlain by Lower Cretaceous andesitic volcanic rocks of the Pimanus Formation, (Spences Bridge Group). These are intruded by two small syenitic plugs and several dyke swarms.
In the vicinity of the occurrence the generally flat- lying andesitic rocks are interlayered with rhyolitic and dacitic pryoclastic rocks. A light- pink feldspar porphyritic dyke swarm trends northeasterly and is spatially associated with a northeast- trending zone of argillic alteration. Silicification occurs in the area in the form of quartz breccia, dark- grey banded quartz and vuggy quartz in rhyolite breccia and is found only in float. Tetrahedrite, galena and pyrite occur in the breccia in an amount generally less than 1 per cent.
The highest assay for silver, 861 grams per tonne, and the highest assay for gold, 15.45 grams per tonne, both came from quartz breccia float (Assessment Report 12948).
Ryan Exploration Company Ltd. acquired the property in 1983 to cover a large colour anomaly that had returned anomalous gold values in a reconnaissance geochemical survey. During 1984, 988 soil samples, 3 silt samples and 85 rock chip samples were taken and analyzed (EMPR Assessment Report 12948). A number of multi-element geochemical areas were identified on the property.
In 1987, Kangeld Resources Limited contracted Aerodat Limited to conduct a 222-kilometre airborne EM, Magnetometer and VLF survey (EMPR Assessment Report 16352, Part 1) and Archean Engineering to carry out a geochemical survey over a 900-metre by 1000-metre area (Assessment Report 16352, Part 2).
During 2004 through 2012, programs of soil and rock sampling, geological mapping and 3D-induced polarization surveys, totalling 31.8 line-kilometres, were completed on the area as the Blustry Mountain property.