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File Created: 24-Jul-1985 by BC Geological Survey (BCGS)
Last Edit:  02-Jun-1997 by George Owsiacki (GO)

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Name FOSTER BAR Mining Division Kamloops
BCGS Map 092I052
Status Showing NTS Map 092I12E
Latitude 050º 30' 14'' UTM 10 (NAD 83)
Longitude 121º 43' 56'' Northing 5595425
Easting 589903
Commodities Gold Deposit Types C01 : Surficial placers
Tectonic Belt Intermontane Terrane Bridge River, Methow
Capsule Geology

A test pit was dug on 'Foster Bar' in the Fraser River in 1973. Note that this bar is not the same as the Foster Bar on NTS map 92I/12 but is a further 3 kilometres downstream. The pit was 2.7 metres deep, 1.8 metres long and 0.9 metre wide from which a total of 4.6 cubic metres were removed. The gravel was concentrated by the use of a sluice box. The concentrates taken from the sluice box were cleaned up approximately 24 times in the processing of the 4.6 cubic metre sample. All the concentrates washed from the blanket were washed out into a round bathtub and were hand panned. The 4.6 cubic metre sample yielded 163 grams gold; there was one 54-gram nugget and another one about 37 grams.

Bedrock to the north of the placer leases consists of granite and to the south, argillite and shale of the Jurassic-Cretaceous Relay Mountain Group.

EMPR FIELDWORK 1981, pp. 270,271
EMPR PF (*Dawson, J. (1973): Report on Fosters Bar Placers)
GSC MAP 1010A; 1386A; 42-1989
GSC OF 165; 866; 980
GSC P 46-8; 47-10; 73-1A, p. 212; 74-49; 82-1A, pp. 293-297; 85-1A, pp. 349-358