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File Created: 24-Jul-1985 by BC Geological Survey (BCGS)
Last Edit:  09-Sep-1998 by George Owsiacki (GO)

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Name BASQUE RANCH Mining Division Kamloops
BCGS Map 092I064
Status Prospect NTS Map 092I11W
Latitude 050º 36' 30'' UTM 10 (NAD 83)
Longitude 121º 20' 59'' Northing 5607571
Easting 616768
Commodities Gypsum Deposit Types F09 : Playa and Alkaline Lake Evaporites
Tectonic Belt Intermontane Terrane Cache Creek
Capsule Geology

A deposit of gypsite occurs on the ranch belonging to W.H. Hammond, known as the 'Basque Ranch', and located near Ashcroft. Mr. Hammond claims there is 90,710 tonnes of gypsite material. Mr. Hammond has placed several carload orders amongst the farmers of the district (Minister of Mines Annual Reports 1922, 1924).

Gypsite is an earthy variety of gypsum containing dirt and sand and is found as an efflorescent deposit occurring over the ledge outcrop of gypsum or of a gypsum-bearing stratum.

Rock in the vicinity appear to be Carboniferous to Jurassic Cache Creek Complex argillite and greenstone.

EMPR AR 1922-N153; *1924-B157
EMPR FIELDWORK 1981, pp. 270,271; 1996, pp. 117-123
GSC MAP 1010A; 1386A; 42-1989
GSC OF 165; 866; 980
GSC P 46-8; 47-10; 73-1A, p. 212; 74-49; 82-1A, pp. 293-297; 85-1A, pp. 349-358
CANMET RPT 714, p. 70
Grette, J.F. (1978): Cache Creek and Nicola Groups near Ashcroft, British Columbia, M.Sc. Thesis, University of British Columbia