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File Created: 24-Jul-1985 by BC Geological Survey (BCGS)
Last Edit:  18-Jan-2003 by George Owsiacki (GO)

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Name TRANQUILLE RIVER PLACER Mining Division Kamloops
BCGS Map 092I078
Status Past Producer NTS Map 092I10E
Latitude 050º 44' 12'' UTM 10 (NAD 83)
Longitude 120º 31' 07'' Northing 5623478
Easting 675091
Commodities Gold Deposit Types C01 : Surficial placers
Tectonic Belt Intermontane Terrane Overlap Assemblage
Capsule Geology

Gold was discovered in Tranquille River in 1858 and was worked for many years by Chinese, but very little information is available as to the yield. In the period from 1895-96 some attempt was made to work bench claims by hydraulicking. In 1902, a dredge was moved from the North Thompson River to Tranquille River and attempts were made in the next 2 years to work a flat on the lower reaches of the river; this was not a success from an economic standpoint. Placer mining by individuals was confined to the lower reaches of the river, below the canyon. Bedrock geology appears to be volcanic rocks of the Eocene Kamloops Group.

Intermittent production from 1876 to 1945 totalled 74,391 grams gold.

EMPR BULL *28, pp. 37,40; 77
GSC MEM *249, p. 44
GSC OF 165; 980; 2490
GSC MAP 886A; 887A; 9-1963; 1394A; 42-1989
GSC P 44-20; 82-1A, pp. 293-297; 85-1A, pp. 349-358
EMPR PFD 801831