The Hilltop showings are underlain by argillite of the Upper Triassic Nicola Group which are unconformably overlain by Eocene Kamloops Group volcanics to the west. The argillite is black and massive and cut by shears that contain steeply dipping quartz veins sparsely mineralized with pyrite and chalcopyrite largely oxidized to limonite. A series of trenches and cuts along a 150 metre length exposes milky white, massive to laminated quartz veins 0.5 to 2.1 metres wide. The veining appears to be localized between shears striking 100 degrees dipping 45 degrees south on the hangingwall and 130 degrees dipping 60 degrees south on the footwall. A grab sample from a shaft yielded 2.1 grams per tonne gold and 36.6 grams per tonne silver across 1 metre of quartz and minor gouge. Another sample across 60 centimetres of heavily leached, yellow stained (goethite?) quartz and clay gouge analysed greater than 10 grams per tonne gold and 129.4 grams per tonne silver (Assessment Report 17963). Elevated gold values appear to be related to narrow gouge-filled shears.
The first report of mineralization on the Hilltop property was in 1899. In 1905, O.S. Batchelor shipped about 12 tonnes of ore to the Tyee smelter which produced 1711 grams silver and 156 grams gold. The main working is a 7.6-metre shaft. Two adits have been driven and numerous opencuts, pits and trenches are evident. In 1946, seven rock samples were taken of the veins from the Hilltop showing by V. Dolmage. In 1973, soil sampling and a magnetometer survey was conducted over 40 line kilometres of grid on the BD and DB claims on behalf of Barrel Resources Limited. The Pit claim was staked in 1979 to cover the Hilltop showings. In 1986, three diamond-drill holes totalling 120 metres and soil sampling (204) were completed on the Pit claim on behalf of J.K. Newton. In 1988, a program of 4.4 kilometres of induced polarization survey, 5.5 kilometres of grid, 38 rock samples, 71 soil samples and 17 metres in four trenches were completed on the Pit claim on behalf of Mango Resources Ltd.