A deposit of hydromagnesite occurs within a depression or dry lake bed alongside the road to Upper Buse Lake, approximately 3 kilometres east of the community of Barnhart Vale. The showing is located on or near a fault contact between argillite, sandstone and tuff of the Upper Triassic Nicola Group and andesite and basalt of the Eocene Kamloops Group.
The depression is about 183 metres long by 153 metres wide. A second depression about the same size and 430 metres east is also reported to contain hydromagnesite, but was not tested. Two short auger test holes intersected hydromagnesite about 1.83 metres thick with about 15 centimetres of overburden. A partial analysis of a sample from one of these holes yielded 27.44 per cent MgO, 5.71 per cent CaO, 3.56 per cent Fe+Al, 0.05 per cent MnO2 and 23.28 per cent insoluble (Geological Survey of Canada Memoir 249).