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File Created: 31-Mar-2016 by Karl A. Flower (KAF)
Last Edit:  05-Apr-2016 by Karl A. Flower (KAF)

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Name SCOUT, CAMP SCOUT Mining Division New Westminster
BCGS Map 092H021
Status Showing NTS Map 092H04W
Latitude 049º 13' 38'' UTM 10 (NAD 83)
Longitude 121º 54' 27'' Northing 5453290
Easting 579543
Commodities Silver, Copper Deposit Types
Tectonic Belt Coast Crystalline Terrane Harrison
Capsule Geology

The Scout occurrence is located on a small knoll to the north of the Fraser River and south west of Mount Woodside.

The area is underlain by Lower and Middle Jurassic Harrison Lake Formation andesites, andesite porphyry, andesite breccia and basalt. Felsic volcanics and intrusions of Tertiary quartz diorite are also reported in this area.

Locally, weakly chloritized andesites host an iron- stained quartz vein with disseminated pyrite. In 2013, a sample (SP-3) assayed 22.5 grams per tonne silver, while another sample (RR1B) assayed 0.14 per cent copper (Assessment Report 34753).

In 2013, the area was prospected by A. Reimer as the Camp Scout claims. The former “Scout” adit was re-located at this time. The area has been previously explored in conjunction with the nearby Ascot (MINFILE 092HSW072) occurrence.

EMPR ASS RPT *34753, 34754
EMPR EXPL 1989-189
EMPR GEM 1972-102
EMPR OF 1999-2
GSC MAP 737A; 1069A; 12-1969; 41-1989
GSC P 69-47