The Scout Adit occurrence is located on the lower western slope of Mount Woodside, east of Duncan Slough.
The area is underlain by Lower and Middle Jurassic Harrison Lake Formation andesites, andesite porphyry, andesite breccia and basalt. Felsic volcanics and intrusions of Tertiary quartz diorite are also reported in this area.
Locally, a former adit exposes weakly chloritized andesites hosting a flat-lying brecciated to vuggy quartz vein with disseminated pyrite and a dark- grey to black un-identified mineral. The vein dips slightly to the north and east. In 2013, two samples (A-1 and A-2) of mineralized vein material assayed 0.306 and 0.236 per cent zinc and 1.565 and 1.11 per cent copper with 2660 and 1870 grams per tonne silver, respectively (Assessment Report 34753).
In 2013, the area was prospected by A. Reimer as the Camp Scout claims. The former “Scout” adit was re-located at this time. The area has been previously explored in conjunction with the nearby Ascot (MINFILE 092HSW072) occurrence.