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File Created: 02-Jul-2008 by Kirk Hancock (KDH)
Last Edit:  09-Jul-2008 by Kirk Hancock (KDH)

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Name STATLU CREEK Mining Division New Westminster
BCGS Map 092H031
Status Prospect NTS Map 092H05W
Latitude 049º 19' 55'' UTM 10 (NAD 83)
Longitude 121º 59' 43'' Northing 5464843
Easting 572998
Commodities Gravel, Sand, Gold Deposit Types C : PLACER
Tectonic Belt Coast Crystalline Terrane Harrison
Capsule Geology

The Statlu Creek gravel property, consisting of 13 claims covering an area of 946.98 hectares, is located 110 kilometres east of Vancouver, B.C., and 13 kilometres from barge access on the Fraser River. The property is underlain by a thick glacial outwash complex possibly having been deposited against occluding glacial ice. The material consists of mixed sand and gravel up to 350 metres in thickness. The gravel and sand are well sorted and washed clean of clay. Capping the sand and gravel outwash sediments are thin top soil overburden or locally organic soil.

In January 2006, Mosquito Consolidated concluded an exploration program that consisted of 7.5 kilometers of line-cutting followed by refraction seismic profiling, prospecting the various claim blocks to define gravel areas, and collecting 20-kilogram site-specific samples of various types of gravel.

Assuming successful results for Stage 1 exploration, a Stage 2 exploration program would initiate a full economic viability study, drilling and sampling to establish a 43-101 compliant resource and/or reserve and commencement of the required environmental studies.

In addition to the high-quality sand and gravel products, there is evidence that placer gold may be able to be recovered from the fine sand associated with the gravel. Based on sample analysis, it would take 177.18 metric tones of material to produce one tonne of the black sand concentrate. Indicating the material ran 0.49 gram of gold per tonne. Given the potential size of the deposit, this could represent a significant amount of gold. Mosquito plans to investigate this further with additional sampling throughout the property.

V STOCKWATCH 2006/01/03
EMPR PFD 841655