At the Chilliwack Lake quarry, the rock is a fine grained, equigranular, light grey granite to quartz monzonite of the Oligocene Chilliwack batholith. Common irregularly-shaped masses of biotite and 5 per cent disseminated biotite (altered to chlorite?) give the otherwise evenly textured rock some character. Pale pink to white potassium feldspar, plagioclase and grey quartz comprise the bulk of the rock. Xenoliths of fine-grained diorite also occur.
The quarry is located 200 metres north of a main haulage road actively being used by the forest industry. A forest "buffer" about 100 to 200 metres in width shields the active area from the road. At present (August 1992), the quarry is L-shaped. Each side is about 3.6 to 4.2 metres in length and a maximum of 3.0 metres high. Fractures are evident, but are widely spaced and will permit extracting of blocks 1.5 metres on a side by 3.0 metres in length. The quarry face exhibits unhomogeneity of the rocks in the form of occasional dark inclusions and crosscutting dikes.
Quarry Pacific Industries Ltd. is test marketing the stone as tiles which are being produced at the Margranite Industry Ltd. facility in Surrey. Production statistics are not available.