The Mountain Goat (Adit zone) occurrence is located on the south east side of Mount Pierce, east of Pierce Lake, at an approximately elevation of 1610 metres.
The area is underlain by an imbricated sequence of metamorphosed Precambrian to Mesozoic rocks. These include gabbroic and dioritic rock of the Proterozoic and Paleozoic Yellow Aster Complex; sedimentary rocks of the Devonian to Permian Chilliwack Group: and Paleozoic and/or Mesozoic ultramafic rocks (unnamed). A high angle, eastward-dipping fault appears to have brought these older rocks over younger metasedimentary pelitic rock of the Triassic and/or Jurassic Cultus Formation, which lies to the west. Oligocene tonalite of the Chilliwack Batholith intrudes the package on its eastern boundary.
The serpentinites are in close association with the dark green gabbroic rocks. Argillites and pelites of the Chilliwack Group are found structurally below the gabbros. These argillites have been altered to dark green to grey hornfels and schist with abundant biotite and sericite.
Ore-bearing quartz veins are associated with the Chilliwack batholith. Mineralization on the property consists of quartz veins and stringers along the contact between serpentinites and gabbros. The veins strike northeast and dip 65 to 80 degrees northwest. Mineralized quartz veins host pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite and minor arsenopyrite.
In 1931, two small veins were reported to have assayed 116.1 grams per tonne gold (Minister of Mines Annual Report 1933, page 258). In 1987, four rock chip samples were taken from a quartz vein, ranging between 8 to 20 centimetres in width, which was exposed in an old adit. A sample taken over 17 centimetres yielded 23.2 grams per tonne gold; another sample yielded 18.4 grams per tonne gold over 20 centimetres (Assessment Report 16183). The following year, a 25-centimetre chip sample (C3) from the adit yielded 84.9 grams per tonne gold; while a 25-centimetre channel sample (C4) yielded 53.7 grams per tonne gold (Assessment Report 17621). In 2005, a rock sample from the Adit zone yielded 125.5 grams per tonne gold over 8 centimetres (Assessment Report 27758).
Approximately 2 kilometres to the north-north east, on lower slopes overlooking the West Nesakwatch logging road, float boulders containing quartz veining and chalcopyrite have been identified. Samples have yielded up to 1.59 per cent copper (Assessment Report 27758).
The area was originally explored during the early 1900s as the Pierce Mountain Group and included several open cuts, an adit and a 27-metre shaft. In 1987 and 1988, Pierce Mountain Resources completed programs of rock, soil and silt sampling, prospecting, geological mapping and a 13 line-kilometre combined ground magnetic and electromagnetic surveys on the area as the Chuck 1-2 claims. In 2004, Sino-Pacific Development completed a program of rock and soil sampling, and five diamond drill holes, totalling 310.6 metres, on the area as the Mint and Ophira claims. In 2015 and 2016, GSMY Developments completed programs of prospecting and a historical review of the property.