The Area 3 (Princeton Project) occurrence is located on the east side of Placer Creek, at an elevation of approximately 1400 metres.
The area is underlain by basaltic volcanic rocks of the Upper Triassic Nicola Group (eastern volcanic facies) to the north and andesitic volcanic rocks of the Eocene Princeton Group to the south.
Locally, a shear zone hosts quartz veining with gold values.
In 2010, a select sample (PM10-R01) of the shear assayed 0.848 gram per tonne gold (Assessment Report 31993).
In 2011, a float sample of mineralized quartz vein material assayed 0.935 gram per tonne gold (Assessment Report 32838).
Work History
In 2006, the area was prospected by A.B. Hemingway as the Cathedral property. In 2007, the area was prospected and soil sampled as the AU 2 claim. During 2008 through 2010, programs of rock, silt and soil sampling were completed on the area as the Placer Mountain and Placer Creek claims. In 2011, Windfire Capital completed a large program of rock and soil sampling on the area as the Princeton project. In 2014 and 2015, 1007879 BC Limited completed programs of rock and soil sampling, and geological mapping on the area.
In 2017 and 2018, Tasca Resources Ltd. completed programs of geochemical (rock and soil) sampling and trenching on the area as the Princeton property. This work identified the Wilson Gold (MINFILE 092HSE263) zone. In 2019 and 2020, Damara Gold Corp. completed a program regional exploration, which including rock sampling, a 2347 line-kilometre airborne magnetic survey and 710 metres of trenching.