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File Created: 02-Mar-1992 by Peter S. Fischl (PSF)
Last Edit:  12-Jul-2011 by Sarah Meredith-Jones (SMJ)

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Name DALBY MEADOWS, DALBY CREEK Mining Division Similkameen
BCGS Map 092H037
Status Developed Prospect NTS Map 092H07E
Latitude 049º 23' 45'' UTM 10 (NAD 83)
Longitude 120º 35' 59'' Northing 5474231
Easting 674159
Commodities Gold, Platinum, Iridium Deposit Types C01 : Surficial placers
Tectonic Belt Intermontane Terrane Quesnel
Capsule Geology

The Dalby Meadows prospect is located on Dalby Creek, 3.8 kilometres west of the Similkameen River and 9 kilometres southwest of Princeton.

Dalby Meadows comprises an area of gently rolling uplands between 900 and 1100 metres elevation bordered to the north and south by Bromley and Lamont creeks respectively. The headwaters of Stevenson and Tracey creeks lie to the east and mountainous terrain rises steeply to the west. The meadows are drained by Dalby Creek, a southward-flowing tributary of Lamont Creek, some 4.7 kilometres long.

The meadows are, in part, underlain by a Quaternary interglacial channel hidden by a thin mantle of overburden. The gravels of this channel contain fine to nugget-sized particles of gold and platinum (Assessment Report 16128, page 5). Trenching along Dalby Creek revealed a thick section of clay beneath 3 to 6 metres of gravel. Continued prospecting in the area encountered "colours" of gold and platinum in gravels on siltstone bedrock of the Eocene Princeton Group. Additional work defined a gold and platinum-bearing boulder channel with a pay thickness of 3 to 6 metres and a minimum width of 30 metres, lying beneath 3 to 6 metres of sandy silt. The stream and boulder gravels of the channel contain 0.13 to 0.65 gram of gold and about 0.013 gram of platinum per cubic metre (Assessment Report 17531, page 5). Most of the gold occurs in coarse nuggets. Electron microprobe studies indicate the gold nuggets consist of about 90 per cent gold, while the platinum particles comprise 80 per cent platinum and 8 per cent iridium. Drilling has outlined in excess of 820,000 cubic metres of gravel grading 0.091 to 0.561 gram of gold equivalent for combined gold and platinum (Assessment Report 17531, page 6).

This deposit was staked by Blackberry Gold Resources Inc. in 1985, under the premise that Dalby Meadows is underlain by an old channel of the Tulameen River. The company extracted bulk samples from a number of trenches and pits, and conducted various geophysical surveys, in addition to percussion drilling, between 1984 and 1987.

EMPR ASS RPT 16128, *17531
EMPR FIELDWORK 2001, pp. 303-312
EMPR GEOFILE 2000-2; 2000-5
EMPR PF (Trenching program at Dalby project, 1987)
GSC MAP 888A; 1386A; 41-1989
GSC P 85-1A, pp. 349-358
CMH 1990-91, p. 77
EMPR PFD 902511