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File Created: 08-Dec-1991 by Peter S. Fischl (PSF)
Last Edit:  24-Jun-2020 by Karl A. Flower (KAF)

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Name ILK, FRIDAY CREEK, PAT 1, MULDOON Mining Division Osoyoos, Similkameen
BCGS Map 092H028
Status Prospect NTS Map 092H07E
Latitude 049º 17' 38'' UTM 10 (NAD 83)
Longitude 120º 33' 20'' Northing 5463002
Easting 677731
Commodities Copper, Gold, Silver, Palladium Deposit Types L03 : Alkalic porphyry Cu-Au
Tectonic Belt Intermontane Terrane Quesnel
Capsule Geology

The Ilk showing is 400 metres west of the Similkameen River and 18.5 kilometres south of Princeton. The Friday Creek prospect (092HSE033) is 800 metres north-northwest of this showing.

The area is underlain by the eastern facies of the Upper Triassic Nicola Group consisting of mafic augite and hornblende porphyritic pyroclastics and flows. These rocks are intruded by diorite and monzonite, locally pyroxenite and gabbro, of the Early Jurassic Copper Mountain and Lost Horse intrusions. The occurrence lies about 600 metres northeast of the Boundary fault. This steeply- dipping normal fault downdrops overlying Eocene volcanics and sediments of the Princeton Group to the west against Nicola Group rocks and the Copper Mountain stock (Copper Mountain Intrusions).

The showing consists of several steeply-dipping faults, striking northeast to northwest, in diorite of the Copper Mountain stock. Veins of pink pegmatite/syenite are also present and tend to be associated with the faults. Mineralization is contained in a 60 by 180 metre area trending north-northwest, roughly paralleling the contact with Nicola Group volcanics, 60 to 90 metres to the west.

The faults contain malachite and pyrite and the pegmatite veins are mineralized with bornite. A chip sample, 6.1 metres long, taken across an irregular zone of pegmatite veins with bornite, assayed 2.16 per cent copper (Property File - D.F. Hamelin, 1960). A second chip sample, 3 meters long, taken along a fault containing malachite and pyrite, assayed 0.35 per cent copper (D.F. Hamelin, 1960). A grab sample of bornite-rich material taken from a narrow vein assayed 28.06 per cent copper, 18.5 grams per tonne gold, 213 grams per tonne silver, trace palladium and nil platinum (Minister of Mines Annual Report 1960, page 57). A second grab sample from a carbonate-rich zone in diorite assayed 64.5 grams per tonne palladium (D.F. Hamelin, 1960).

This occurrence was trenched and soil sampled by Phelps Dodge Corporation in 1958. Friday Creek Development Company Ltd. sampled the showing in 1960 and Hanna Mining Company conducted geological mapping and an induced polarization survey in 1965. During 2007 through 2009, Canadian international Minerals Inc. examined the area as the Copper Mountain property. Exploration work included programs of limited prospecting and sampling and an airborne magnetometer and electromagnetic survey.

EMPR AR 1958-30,31; 1960-56,57; 1965-161; 1966-245; 1968-214
EMPR BULL 59, pp. 78,79
EMPR PF (*Hamelin, D.F. (1960): 1:2400 scale map of trenches and
sample sites for Friday Creek Development Co. Ltd. (see
EMR MP CORPFILE (Friday Creek Development Co. Ltd., Samson Mines
Ltd., Copper Basin Mines Ltd.)
GSC BULL 239, pp. 140,141
GSC MAP 300A; 888A; 1386A; 41-1989
GSC MEM 171, p. 25; 243
GSC P 85-1A, pp. 349-358
CIM BULL Vol. 44, No. 469, pp. 317-324 (1951); Vol. 61, No. 673, pp.
633-636 (1968)
CJES Vol. 24, pp. 2521-2536 (1987)
Montgomery, J.H. (1967): Petrology, Structure and Origin of the
Copper Mountain Intrusions near Princeton, British Columbia;
unpublished Ph.D. thesis, University of British Columbia
Arseneau, G. (2007-12-12): Techincal Report on the Copper Mountain Property
Arseneau, G. (2009-10-01): Copper Mountain Project
EMPR PFD 812371, 896721