The WP showing is situated on the northwest corner of the former WP-4 claims, northwest of Whistle Creek and 9.5 kilometres west-southwest of the town of Hedley.
The area is underlain by Nicola Group volcanic and sedimentary rock, including the Whistle Creek and Stemwinder Mountain formations. Two suites of intrusive rocks outcrop on the WP claim area. A stock of the Hedley Intrusions outcrops to the southeast and the Cahill Creek pluton outcrops to the south. Andesitic ash tuff and tuffaceous siltstone of the Upper Triassic Whistle Creek Formation (Nicola Group) underlie an extensive region encompassing the drainage area of Whistle Creek.
A quartz stockwork breccia hosted in well-indurated black to grey argillite/siltstone is exposed along a road-cut 650 metres northwest of Whistle Creek. The 4.5 metre wide zone strikes north and dips vertically. The zone is composed of a 2 metre wide central core of angular argillite fragments in a quartz matrix, surrounded by a peripheral zone of weak to moderate quartz stockwork veining.
The quartz matrix contains minor fine-grained pyrite in rusty boxworks. A chip sample taken over 1 metre assayed 0.720 gram per tonne gold and 2.1 grams per tonne silver (sample 88-20), and a grab sample (88-26) assayed 0.050 gram per tonne gold and 5.9 grams per tonne silver (Assessment Report 18453, Figure 4).
In 1981, work on the WP claim group consisted of an airborne very-low-frequency electromagnetic (VLF-EM) and magnetometer survey and a reconnaissance soil geochemical survey. In 1983, additional soil geochemical sampling was carried out. No further work was undertaken until 1987, when Canelle Exploration Ltd. optioned the WP claims from Grant Crooker. In 1987, Crooker conducted an exploration program consisted of soil sampling, VLF-EM surveying, magnetometer surveying, geological mapping and prospecting. One float sample of diorite and argillite assayed 0.27 gram per tonne gold (Assessment Report 16896, page 14). The following year, a grid was established over the WP-3 and WP-4 claims and a program of soil sampling, VLF-EM and magnetometer surveying, geological mapping and prospecting was carried out. In 1989, work consisted of analyzing 542 soil samples collected during the 1988 exploration program.
Northpoint Resources optioned the property in 1997 and conducted an exploration program of geophysical surveying, soil and rock geochemical sampling, trenching and drilling. This exploration focused on four target areas on the southeast side of Whistle Creek. A total of 963.44 metres of drilling was carried out on three of the four target areas. A 3-metre sludge sample assayed 960 grams per tonne silver and 0.2 per cent copper (George Cross Newsletter #192(Oct.6), 1997).
By 2009, the WP claims had been incorporated into the Hedley Gold Project claim group owned by Grant Crooker. In 2009, Crooker carried out a detailed soil geochemistry survey over the Camp Zone showing. In 2010, Crooker carried out a program of geological and geochemical exploration, including prospecting, mapping and stream sediment and rock sampling on the property, though only one stream sediment sample was collected in the vicinity of the WP claim area. The following year, Crooker expanded upon the 2009 soil geochemical sampling in the Camp one and completed a VLF-EM survey over the area. In 2011, Crooker expanded the Hedley Gold Project claim group by amalgamating his claims with those owned by Ron Schneider. The expanded property was then optioned to Westcan Uranium Corporation. A 1:5,000 scale compilation map of the WP target area was produced using data from previous exploration programs and assessment reports. Rock geochemical sampling was expanded and eight rock samples were collected from the area of the WP97-1 and WP97-2 drillholes.