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File Created: 03-Feb-1986 by Allan Wilcox (AFW)
Last Edit:  18-Mar-1988 by Laura L. Coughlan (LLC)

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Name BRADSHAW, HEDLEY STAR Mining Division Osoyoos
BCGS Map 092H030
Status Showing NTS Map 092H08E
Latitude 049º 17' 27'' UTM 10 (NAD 83)
Longitude 120º 01' 08'' Northing 5464063
Easting 716759
Commodities Gold, Silver, Copper Deposit Types L04 : Porphyry Cu +/- Mo +/- Au
Tectonic Belt Intermontane Terrane Quesnel, Plutonic Rocks
Capsule Geology

The area is underlain by rocks of the Ordovician to Triassic Apex Mountain Complex. They are represented by a highly deformed package of cherts, argillites, tuffaceous siltstones, greenstones and minor limestones that were originally subdivided into the Independence, Bradshaw, Old Tom and Shoemaker formations.

The Apex Mountain Complex rocks are intruded by granodiorite and granite of the Middle Jurassic Cahill Creek pluton. Locally, the rocks are comprised mainly of cherty argillite and andesitic ash tuff, which are intruded by granodiorite dykes. A siliceous sample of chert and quartz, taken close to one of these dykes, analysed 2.06 grams per tonne gold, 13.8 grams per tonne silver, greater than 1 per cent copper and greater than 1 per cent arsenic (Assessment Report 14522, page 7, sample 3761E).

EMPR ASS RPT *14522, 14963
EMPR EXPL 1985-C178
EMPR FIELDWORK 1985, pp. 101-105; 1986, pp. 65-79; 1987, pp. 59-80
EMPR OF 1987-10; 1988-6
EMPR P 1989-3, pp. 19-35
GSC MAP 568A; 888A; 889A; 41-1989
GSC MEM 2; 243
GSC OF 2167, pp. 59-80
GSC SUM RPT 1929, pp. 198A-252A
CIM Trans. Vol. 44, pp. 524-590 (1941)
CJES Vol. 9, pp. 1632-1639 (1972)
N MINER 1936, Vol. 9, pp. 27,28
Milford, J.C. (1984): *Geology of the Apex Mountain Group, North and East of the Similkameen River, South Central British Columbia, unpublished M.Sc. thesis, University of British Columbia
EMPR PFD 503088