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File Created: 20-May-2015 by Karl A. Flower (KAF)
Last Edit:  29-May-2015 by Karl A. Flower (KAF)

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Name DICK, HARRY Mining Division New Westminster
BCGS Map 092H054
Status Showing NTS Map 092H11W
Latitude 049º 33' 21'' UTM 10 (NAD 83)
Longitude 121º 20' 14'' Northing 5490576
Easting 620258
Commodities Gold Deposit Types I01 : Au-quartz veins
Tectonic Belt Coast Crystalline Terrane Methow, Plutonic Rocks
Capsule Geology

The Dick occurrence is located on the northern slopes of Spider Peak, at an elevation of approximately 950 metres.

The area is underlain by grey to black, locally organic-rich, pyritic, slaty argillite intercalated with well-bedded siltstone, all assigned to the Early and Middle Jurassic Ladner Group.

Locally, a quartz vein hosts pyrite, pyrrhotite and/or arsenopyrite mineralization.

In 1984, a rock sample (RCNE3-09) assayed 1.32 grams per tonne gold, while soil samples collected near the vein yielded values from 1.69 to 2.04 grams per tonne gold (Assessment Report 13221).

In 1984, Aquarius Resources completed programs of soil and rock sampling program on the area as the Dick claim. During 1996 through 1998, Hillsbar Gold completed a program of geological mapping and rock, silt and soil sampling on the area as the Harry claim.

EMPR ASS RPT *13221, 25451, 25890
EMPR EXPL 1975-E73; 1976-E85; 1978-E149; 1980-206; 1983-258
GSC MAP 737A; 12-1969; 41-1989
GSC P 69-47