The Ole occurrence is located at an elevation of approximately 420 metres on a west-facing slope, approximately 1 kilometre southeast of Boston Bar on the Fraser River.
The Boston Bar area is underlain by a north-northwest trending, fault-bound belt of sediments belonging to the Early and Middle Jurassic Ladner Group. This group comprises variously deformed argillite, slate, siltstone, greywacke and tuff, bound to the west (along the Fraser River) by the Hozameen fault and to the east by the Chuwanten fault.
At the Ole occurrence, highly sheared, foliated argillaceous slate has been intruded by felsic aplite dikes and a small mass of altered hornblende pyroxenite(-peridotite). The slate appears silicified adjacent to the intrusive contacts. Although not seen in outcrop, greywacke was also reported in shallow diamond-drill holes in this area.
The aplite dikes are feldspathic and carry disseminated pyrrhotite and pyrite. The altered peridotite-pyroxenite intrusive, exposed at the foot of a cut, beneath and south of the felsic dykes, is approximately 1.5 square metres in area and hosts pods of massive pyrrhotite with associated chalcopyrite and pentlandite. Chalcopyrite and malachite were also noted on fractures surfaces within slate intersected in the drill holes.
Work History
In 1971, Giant Mascot (G.M.) Explorations Ltd. completed a program of geological mapping, geochemical (rock and soil) sampling, trenching, ground magnetic and electromagnetic surveys and four short diamond drill holes, totalling 25.8 metres, on the area as the Ole claims. Also at this time, a program of geological mapping, soil sampling and a ground magnetic survey was completed on the Sisu claims adjacent to the east of the Ole claims. Drillhole BB-S-1 intersected mineralized peridotite over the first 1.2 metres before entering slate down to a depth of 15.3 metres and yielded 0.332 per cent nickel and 0.190 per cent copper over the first 1.2 metres (Assessment Report 3190).
In 1982, Brookmere Ventures completed a program of geological mapping, geochemical sampling and trenching on the Ole claims. Bulk grab samples (26951 through 26956 and T1-82) taken of the mineralized ultramafics and felsic dikes yielded trace to 1.4 grams per tonne gold, trace to 10.9 grams per tonne silver, 0.01 to 2.34 per cent copper and trace to 2.36 per cent nickel (Assessment Report 11183).
In 1997, Alan Hemingway completed a program of prospecting, geochemical (rock and soil) sampling and geological mapping on the area as the Mara 1-11 claims. The original showing was reported to be buried at this time. A sample of high-grade float assayed 2.166 per cent copper and 1.692 per cent nickel (Assessment Report 25427).
In 2000, West Hill Ventures Inc. completed a photogeological review on the Mara claims.
In 2005, Aries Resource Corp. completed a 2.7 line-kilometre ground magnetic survey on the Mara claims. The following year, Bradford Mineral Exploration Ltd. completed a 199.0 line-kilometre airborne magnetic and electromagnetic survey on the claims.
In 2018, Jedway Enterprises Ltd. prospected the area as the Ole property.