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File Created: 10-Aug-2021 by Karl A. Flower (KAF)
Last Edit:  24-Aug-2021 by Karl A. Flower (KAF)

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Name WART 1 Mining Division Nicola, Similkameen
BCGS Map 092H089
Status Showing NTS Map 092H16W
Latitude 049º 53' 38'' UTM 10 (NAD 83)
Longitude 120º 20' 57'' Northing 5530203
Easting 690384
Commodities Copper, Silver Deposit Types L : PORPHYRY
Tectonic Belt Intermontane Terrane Quesnel
Capsule Geology

The Wart 1 occurrence is located at an elevation of approximately 1620 metres near the south side of Highway 97C and approximately 2.9 kilometres west of the south end of Elkhart Lake.

The area is underlain by volcanics and minor sediments of the Upper Triassic Nicola Group, approximately 3 kilometres northwest of the Middle Jurassic Osprey Lake Batholith. The volcanics consist primarily of andesite and fine-grained diorite. The contact between the two units is gradational, suggesting the diorite may be a subvolcanic equivalent of the andesite. Minor tuffs, lapilli tuffs, agglomerates, and feldspar porphyritic andesite are also present. The sediments consist of mudstone, siltstone, shale, and rare carbonate, intercalated with the pyroclastic units.

Locally, an andesite to diorite porphyry hosts calcite±quartz veinlets with minor disseminated pyrite±pyrrhotite and malachite staining. Chlorite and epidote alteration minerals are also reported.

Work History

In 1988, Kerr Addison Mines Ltd. completed a program of geological mapping and geochemical (rock, soil and heavy mineral) sampling on the area as the Wart 1-4 claims. A sample (239583) assayed 0.799 per cent copper and 2.0 grams per tonne silver (Assessment Report 18041).

In 1989 and 1990, Minnova Inc. completed programs of geological mapping and geochemical (rock, soil and heavy minerals) sampling on the Wart claims.

EMPR ASS RPT *18041, 20994
GSC MAP 888A; 1386A; 41-1989
GSC P 85-1A, pp. 349-358