The Paradise Rose prospect is located about 36 kilometres west of Summerland.
Paradise Rose is a stone similar to Pacific Rose. It is a lighter colour, medium to coarse-grained pink and white quartz syenite of the Middle Jurassic Pennask batholith. Large boulders and massive outcrops form a northeast elongate hill. No dark inclusions were observed on scattered boulders or rock outcrops. There is no production record from this locality.
Paradise Rose stone is a bright pink and white quartz syenite. The rock is medium to coarse grained, both uniform in colour and texture. Major mineral constituents are pink orthoclase, white plagioclase and grey quartz. Small biotite crystals pepper the surface but only make up 5 per cent of the rock. Minor minerals are (clino?) zoisite, sphene, chlorite after biotite, hornblende, magnetite and pyrite.
The rock appears to be fairly fresh but, in thin section, plagioclase is moderately sericitized. Orthoclase has some microperthitic texture and some grains are glomeroporphyritic, trapping biotite and plagioclase. There are abundant cracks in crystals which can be seen on the polished face. The rock takes a high polish (8/10) but cracks are up to 0.5 millimetre deep and a few through-going fractures are present. There is some pitting at biotite grains and scattered flaking out of orthoclase fragments along cleavages intersecting with intracrystal cracks. There is no staining by pyrite or magnetite (less than 1 per cent combined) (Fieldwork 1994, pp.365-369).