The Brandy copper showing is 600 metres due south of the summit of Mount Rabbitt and 6 kilometres northwest of Tulameen.
A trench reveals sulphides and malachite occurring along fractures in andesite of the Upper Triassic Nicola Group. A sample from the trench analysed 0.280 per cent copper (Assessment Report 16014, Appendix 1, sample GL-86-R-45).
A second trench, 470 metres north-northwest, exposes fine- grained andesite with 0.5-centimetre-wide quartz veins and a trace of pyrite. A sample analyzed 0.230 per cent copper (Assessment Report 16014, Appendix 1, sample 1086-BR-10).
Work History
In 2008, Discovery Ventures Inc. completed a 425 line-kilometre airborne magnetometer and electromagnetic (VLF-EM) survey on the area as the Rabbitt Mine property.