Collins Gulch descends rapidly northward on the south side of the Tulameen valley for 3.5 kilometres, and enters the Tulameen River 2 kilometres southeast of the town of Tulameen. Some coarse gold was recovered from gravels over a section extending up to 0.8 kilometre above the creek's mouth. This part of the creek lies in the floor of the Tulameen valley, below the canyon cut by the creek into the valley side. It has therefore been suggested that the gold-bearing gravels may have originated from the Tulameen River (Geological Survey of Canada Memoir 26, page 134).
The gravels were mined between 1886 and 1890. Estimated production for this period is 6600 grams of gold. These placer deposits are reported to have been largely exhausted by 1889 (Minister of Mines Annual Report 1889, page 293).