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File Created: 06-May-1987 by Peter B. Reid (PBR)
Last Edit:  04-Mar-1992 by Peter S. Fischl (PSF)

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Name FRASER GULCH Mining Division Similkameen
BCGS Map 092H057
Status Prospect NTS Map 092H10E
Latitude 049º 30' 47'' UTM 10 (NAD 83)
Longitude 120º 44' 42'' Northing 5486936
Easting 663229
Commodities Zeolite Deposit Types D01 : Open-system zeolites
Tectonic Belt Intermontane Terrane Quesnel, Overlap Assemblage
Capsule Geology

The Fraser Gulch zeolite showing outcrops in the headwaters of Fraser Gulch, 3.5 kilometres west of Coalmont and 3.5 kilometres south-southeast of Tulameen.

The deposit occurs near the northeastern margin of the Tulameen Basin. This structural basin is comprised of a northwest-trending syncline that preserves a sequence of sedimentary rocks with lesser intercalated volcanics of the Eocene Allenby Formation (Princeton Group), up to 840 metres thick. The sequence rests unconformably on a basement of Upper Triassic Nicola Group metamorphosed volcanics and sediments.

The prospect is hosted in a sequence of sandstone and shale, with minor coal, known informally as the Summers Creek sandstone (Open File 1987-19). The zeolitic horizon is contained entirely in a section of sandstone and granule conglomerate.

The deposit is comprised of a heulandite-clinoptilolite rich vitric crystal (biotite, quartz, feldspar) waterlain tuff that strikes 106 degrees and dips 54 degrees southwest. The bed is at least 3 metres thick and can be followed along strike for 100 metres. Exchangeable cation analyses and cation exchange capacity (CEC) in milli-equivalents per 100 grams on one sample are as follows (Open File 1987-19):


Sample Magnesium Calcium Potassium Sodium CEC

C86-391N 4.5 35.0 29.3 0.7 84.8


EMPR FIELDWORK 1986, pp. 247-254
EMPR OF *1987-19
GSC MAP 46A; 888A; 1386A; 41-1989
GSC MEM 26; 243
GSC P 85-1A, pp. 349-358