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File Created: 30-Aug-1994 by Larry Jones (LDJ)
Last Edit:  31-Aug-1994 by Caline E. Kilby (CEK)

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Name GHOST TOWN PIT/QUARRY, GHOST TOWN Mining Division Nanaimo
BCGS Map 092G001
Status Producer NTS Map 092G04W
Latitude 049º 03' 59'' UTM 10 (NAD 83)
Longitude 123º 53' 05'' Northing 5435213
Easting 435376
Commodities Aggregate, Sand, Gravel Deposit Types B12 : Sand and Gravel
Tectonic Belt Insular Terrane Overlap Assemblage
Capsule Geology

The Ghost Town Quarry is located 800 metres west of Highway 1 at Cassidy, via Spruston Road.

Subsurface exploration in 1988 suggest additional quantity of sand borrow is available below 41 metres, in the north part of the lot. Seasonal fluctuations in ground water levels may necessitate some drainage measures if material is extracted to a 41-metre depth.

Technical data: crush % <.075=1; .075-4.75=41; 4.75-25=56; 25-75=2. The product is 25 millimetres Well Graded Base. Pit run: 1 per cent fines, per cent sand, 36 per cent fine gravel and 28 per cent coarse gravel.

ARMS 1187
Air Photo BC80058-011,12
Geotech File 10.4356.54350MP
MTH District Pit 6274D
MTH Provincial Pit 70