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File Created: 31-Aug-1994 by Caline E. Kilby (CEK)
Last Edit:  08-Sep-1994 by Caline E. Kilby (CEK)

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Name SURREY MUNICIPAL Mining Division New Westminster
BCGS Map 092G007
Status Prospect NTS Map 092G02E
Latitude 049º 02' 54'' UTM 10 (NAD 83)
Longitude 122º 40' 59'' Northing 5432877
Easting 523160
Commodities Aggregate, Sand, Gravel Deposit Types B12 : Sand and Gravel
Tectonic Belt Coast Crystalline Terrane Overlap Assemblage
Capsule Geology

The Surrey Municipal Pit is located on Reserved Crown Land. The pit produces 25 millimetres Well Graded Base from an outwash deposit.

ARMS 218
MTH District Pit 1409A