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File Created: 16-Jul-2015 by Karl A. Flower (KAF)
Last Edit:  22-Jul-2015 by Karl A. Flower (KAF)

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Name HCM 1, HOWE COPPER, MOUNT DONALDSON Mining Division Vancouver
BCGS Map 092G073
Status Showing NTS Map 092G11W
Latitude 049º 42' 45'' UTM 10 (NAD 83)
Longitude 123º 27' 11'' Northing 5506764
Easting 467338
Commodities Copper, Silver, Molybdenum Deposit Types I05 : Polymetallic veins Ag-Pb-Zn+/-Au
Tectonic Belt Coast Crystalline Terrane Plutonic Rocks
Capsule Geology

The HCM 1 occurrence is located near a small creek bed on the northern slopes of Mount Donaldson at elevation of 1425 metres. The Howe Copper occurrence is located approximately 300 metres to the south.

The area is predominantly underlain by biotite and hornblende-biotite granite of the Jurassic to Cretaceous Coast Plutonic Complex. Intruding these, and incorporating blocks of the biotite granite, is a sugary textured, fine to medium-grained, vuggy muscovite granite. Drusy quartz crystals often line the vugs. The muscovite granite has a potassium-argon age date of 83 million years (Late Cretaceous, (Geological Survey of Canada Open File 611). Locally, several linear outcrops occur, comprised of bedded lapilli tuff or tuffaceous rock striking northeast with moderate dips northwest.

Locally, a quartz vein zone hosts chalcopyrite and minor molybdenite mineralization. In 2006, a 0.5 metre grab sample (HC-JL-07) assayed 25 grams per tonne silver, 10.7 per cent copper and 0.064 per cent molybdenum (Assessment Report 29487).

The area has been explored in conjunction with the nearby Howe Copper (MINFILE 092GNW005) occurrence since its discovery in 1874 by Howe Sound Mining Company. In 1965, Bralorne Resources completed a program geological mapping, trenching, stripping and geochemical sampling on the area as the Zel Group. In 1967, Grasset Lake Mining completed approximately 750 metres of diamond drilling. No information regarding drilling results was reported. In 1972, Athena Mines completed a 72.0 line-kilometre airborne geophysical survey on the area as the Karen 1-16 claims. In 1980 and 1983, Seatac Resources completed programs of geological mapping, rock sampling and a 6 line-kilometre combined ground magnetic and electromagnetic survey on the area as the Anthony 1-8 claims. In 1988 and 1990, programs of prospecting, geological mapping and rock sampling were completed on the area as the CU 1-4 claims. In 2004, the area was prospected by Laird Exploration as the HC 1-4 claims for valuable quartz crystal specimens. In 2006, Copper Road Resources prospected the area.

EMPR AR 1876-429; 1877-413; 1917-F281; 1922-N251; 1924-B244; 1928- C389; 1929-C395; 1931-A173; 1965-222; 1966-245; 1967-62
EMPR ASS RPT 725, 4003, 8822, 11619, 18609, 22242, 25498, 26234, 27585, *29487
EMPR EXPL 1975-E106; 1983-219
EMPR FIELDWORK 1980, pp. 165-178
EMPR GEM 1972-277
EMPR PF (Geology maps; claim map)
EMR MP CORPFILE (Grasset Lake Mines Limited; Athena Mines Ltd.; Pacific Copper Mines, Limited; Seatac Resources Inc.)
GSC MAP 42-1963; 1386A
GSC MISC RPT 1908, No.996, p.36
GSC OF 611
GSC P 89-1E, pp. 177-187; 90-1E, pp. 183-195; 90-1F, pp. 95-107
GSC SUM RPT 1887-88, Part II, p. 102R
Ditson, G.M. (1978): Metallogeny of the Vancouver-Hope Area, British Columbia, unpublished M.Sc. Thesis, University of British Columbia
EMPR PFD 812682, 520501, 520502