This occurrence is located 8.3 kilometres northeast of the community of Garden Bay, near the old Cambrian Chieftan Mine (092GNW011), on the Sechelt Peninsula.
A dolomite lens lies in a northwest trending inclusion of Upper Triassic Vancouver Group (Karmutsen and/or Quatsino Formation(?) volcanics and sediments within diorite and quartz diorite of the Jurassic to Tertiary Coast Plutonic Complex (in this area Late Jurassic). Locally, the inclusion contains lenticular masses of dolomite and limestone with minor chert and argillite intercalated with basaltic flows. These beds strike due north and dip vertical to steeply east. They are cut by few vertical dipping andesitic and dioritic, porphyritic dykes that commonly strike 140 degrees.
The dolomite lens is at least 311 metres long and up to 37 wide on surface, averaging 30 metres in exposed width. The lens is composed of white to grey coloured, mottled, crystalline dolomite containing epidote and calcite veinlets and sparse pyrite grains. Nine 4.5 kilogram samples randomly collected over the dolomite lens assayed 18.8 to 21.1 per cent MgO, with an average MgO content of 19.8 per cent (Bulletin 39, page 17). Six of these samples displayed the following percentage range of values (Bulletin 39, page 39):
CaO: 30.6 - 33.1
MgO: 18.8 - 21.7
SiO2: 2.9 - 5.1
R2O3: 0.4 - 0.9
Fe2O3: 0.4 - 0.6
Ignition loss: 41.9 - 45.1
A mass of thinly bedded, white to grey crystalline limestone outcrops just west of the dolomite lens. The north end hosts magnetite-chalcopyrite skarn zones that were sporadically mined, such as the Cambrian Chieftan deposit (092GNW011).