The Wormy Lake occurrence is located on the Sechelt Peninsula, 3.5 kilometres northwest of Snake Bay. The deposit is situated approximately 2 kilometres northwest of the Snake Bay occurrence (092GNW052).
The occurrence is hosted in a roof pendant of calcareous meta- sediments, possibly of the Upper Triassic Vancouver Group (Quatsino or Karmutsen formations). The pendant occurs in diorite of the Jurassic to Cretaceous Coast Plutonic Complex (Late Jurassic in this area). Bedding in the metasediments, near the southeast end of Wormy Lake, strikes west to northwest and dips 30 to 81 degrees north.
In the vicinity of Wormy Lake, the roof pendant consists mainly of banded white, green, grey to brownish black skarn comprised of garnet, diopside, epidote with minor pyrite and chalcopyrite. Black or brown, fine-grained garnetite and light to dark grey, thinly laminated to massive limestone occur to a lesser extent. Wollaston- ite is contained primarily in the banded skarn. Only minor amounts of wollastonite are contained in the limestone and garnetite. The wollastonite outcrops intermittently over a distance of 600 metres.