The area is on the eastern edge of the Britannia-Indian River pendant which hosts the volcanogenic deposits of the Britannia camp (092GNW003). The Britannia-Indian River pendant is mainly a calc- alkaline, subaqueous volcanic and sedimentary sequence of felsic to intermediate pyroclastics, flows, cherts, argillites and greywackes. The entire pendant has been classified as Gambier Group of Upper Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous age. Cenozoic to Mesozoic Coast Plutonic Complex intrusives surround portions of the stratified rocks creating screens or pendants. These bodies are oriented northwest- erly throughout the Coast complex. Pliocene to Recent Garibaldi Group basaltic dykes and sills intrude both the pendant and plutonic rocks.
The Sun occurrence is underlain by volcano-sedimentary rocks of the Gambier Group surrounded by quartz diorite of the Coast Plutonic Complex. A wide (up to 30 metres) mineralized zone strikes northwest for a length of 30 metres as determined by an historic adit. The zone is within brecciated country rock and contains disseminated pyrite and chalcopyrite. A grab sample assayed 1 per cent copper (Minister of Mines Annual Report 1917).
Past work included an adit and open cuts.