The Mamquam 4 occurrence is located west of the Mamquam River, at an elevation of approximately 825 metres and 4 kilometres northeast of Clarion Lake.
The area is underlain by Late Jurassic quartz dioritic intrusive rocks of the Jurassic to Tertiary Coast Plutonic Complex. A roof pendant of rhyolitic and andesitic tuff and agglomerate of the Lower Cretaceous Gambier Group overlies the intrusives to the west.
Locally, a 30 by 10 centimetre wide, oxidized fracture zone hosts chalcopyrite mineralization.
In 2007 a rock sample (M38) assayed 0.29 gram per tonne gold, 41.3 grams per tonne silver and 11.8 per cent copper (Assessment Report 29233).
During 2005 through 2015, the area was prospected and sampled as the Mamquam 1-5 claims.