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File Created: 11-Feb-2004 by Kirk Hancock (KDH)
Last Edit:  01-Jan-0001 by BC Geological Survey (BCGS)

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Name REMOTE PEAK, CHRISTIE Mining Division New Westminster
BCGS Map 092G068
Status Showing NTS Map 092G10E
Latitude 049º 40' 25'' UTM 10 (NAD 83)
Longitude 122º 33' 17'' Northing 5502430
Easting 532135
Commodities Gold Deposit Types
Tectonic Belt Coast Crystalline Terrane Harrison
Capsule Geology

The showings are located on rock exposed below an ice field on the east flank of Remote Peak, about 15 kilometres north of the head of Pitt Lake. Host rocks are granodiorite of the Coast Plutonic Complex.

This showing comprises a quartz vein in part of a larger structure (shear/fault) that trends into Golden Ears Park. Gold is reported in two zones across 4 metres. No further details are recorded.

EMPR PF (District Geologist's notes and map, 1995)
EMPR PFD 7999, 8000