EMPR AR 1898-1133; 1909-147; 1910-152; 1961-101; 1962-105; 1963-102; 1964-155; 1967-74; 1968-102
EMPR ASS RPT 540, 541, 580, 2454, 27773, 2725, 27773, 28725, 31052, 35293, 36435, * 38067
EMPR GEM 1970-287; *1971-236-245; 1972-266
EMPR PF (McDougall, J.J. (1962): Interim Report on Catface Copper Prospect to October 15, 1962; Various maps and sketches by J.J. McDougall, 1962; Photographs of Catface Camp; notes by T. Schroeter with photographs, 1989; see Catface - 092F 120)
EMR MP CORPFILE (Falconbridge Nickel Mines Limited; Catface Copper Mines Limited; 1971 Prospectus, Thunder Valley Mines Limited)
GSC MAP 17-1968; 1386A
GSC OF 9; 61; 463
GSC P 66-1; 68-50, pp. 39-45; 72-44;
CIM Special Vol. 15, 1976, pp. 299-310; 46, pp. 322-326
GCNL Sept. 29, 1971
Carson, D.J.T. (1968): Metallogenic Study of Vancouver Island with Emphasis on the Relationship of Plutonic Rocks and Mineral Deposits, Ph.D. Thesis, Carleton University
Simpson, R.G. (2009-08-31): Mineral Resource Estimate Catface Copper Project