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File Created: 24-Jun-2020 by Karl A. Flower (KAF)
Last Edit:  24-Jun-2020 by Karl A. Flower (KAF)

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Name BRANCH 1111H, COPPER 50, COPPER 106 Mining Division Alberni
BCGS Map 092F016
Status Showing NTS Map 092F02W
Latitude 049º 08' 16'' UTM 10 (NAD 83)
Longitude 124º 52' 12'' Northing 5444450
Easting 363600
Commodities Copper, Silver Deposit Types I06 : Cu+/-Ag quartz veins
Tectonic Belt Insular Terrane Wrangell, Plutonic Rocks
Capsule Geology

The Branch 1111H occurrence is in a northeast trending valley at an elevation of approximately 800 metres, west of the Alberni Canal and approximately 6 kilometres west-southwest of the mouth of China Creek.

The area is underlain by Upper Triassic Vancouver Group, Karmutsen Formation volcanics which have been intruded by granodioritic rocks of the Lower to Middle Jurassic Island Plutonic Suite. The volcanic rocks are comprised of dark green to massive, fine-grained basalt and andesite interbedded with, or intruded by, coarsely porphyritic felsic flows or dikes that strike 030 degrees and range up to 40 metres in thickness.

Locally, a 0.1-metre thick quartz-chlorite-sulphide stockwork vein containing 5 per cent chalcopyrite and 1 per cent bornite is hosted near an intrusive-volcanic contact. The vein is oriented at 070 degrees and dips 85 degrees south east.

Two other zones of mineralization located approximately 200 metres to the south and 400 metres to the north, respectively, are also reported. The South zone comprises a 5-metre thick quartz-calcite-chlorite vein is reported. The vein is oriented at 320 degrees and dips 75 degrees north east. The North zone comprises a 0.5-metre thick sheared, quartz-calcite-sulphide stockwork vein hosted in quartz diorite.

In 2004, a representative outcrop chip sample (179001) from the North zone assayed 0.289 per cent copper, while the following year a representative outcrop chip sample (201703) from the main zone assayed greater than 1.0 per cent copper and 29 grams per tonne silver (Houle, J. (2007-01-26): Technical Report for the 2006 Diamond Drilling Program and the 2006 Prospecting Program on the Macktush Property).

Work History

During 1993 through 2006, SYMC resources prospected the area as part of the Macktush property along the west side of the Alberni Inlet, later called the Dauntless property. During 2009 through 2011, G4G Resources completed programs of geological mapping and rock and soil sampling on the area as the Macktush Copper property. During 2012 through 2014, Nahminto Resources completed exploration programs including limited prospecting, rock sampling, geological mapping and a satellite remote sensing survey and analysis on the Macktush group.

GSC MAP 49-1963, 17-1968; 1386A
GSC OF 463; 1272
GSC P 68-50; 72-44
*Houle, J. (2007-01-26): Technical Report for the 2006 Diamond Drilling Program and the 2006 Prospecting Program on the Macktush Property
Houle, J. (2015-07-30): 2015 Technical Report on the Macktush Property