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File Created: 31-Mar-2016 by Karl A. Flower (KAF)
Last Edit:  17-Jul-2022 by Del Ferguson (DF)

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Name HEBER 36013 Mining Division Alberni
BCGS Map 092F081
Status Showing NTS Map 092F13W
Latitude 049º 53' 25'' UTM 10 (NAD 83)
Longitude 125º 59' 52'' Northing 5530741
Easting 284686
Commodities Copper, Zinc, Silver, Gold Deposit Types I : VEIN, BRECCIA AND STOCKWORK
Tectonic Belt Insular Terrane Wrangell
Capsule Geology

The Heber 36013 occurrence is located on the northern slopes of Trio Mountain at an elevation of approximately 1000 metres, approximately 12.5 kilometres northeast of the town of Gold River.

The area is underlain by massive, green, porphyritic basalts of the Upper Triassic Karmutsen Formation (Vancouver Group). These have been intruded by a stock of the Early to Middle Jurassic Island Plutonic Suite.

Locally, bornite and chalcopyrite mineralization is hosted by volcanic rocks. A sample (36013) assayed 0.85 per cent copper and 0.59 per cent zinc, while another sample (36014) taken approximately 250 metres to the east assayed 2.7 grams per tonne gold and 10.3 grams per tonne silver (Property File J.C. Stephen, LUC Syndicate (1971-05-17) - Report - Heber River).

In 1970, Silver Standard completed a program of prospecting and rock sampling on the area. In 1984, J. McDonald prospected the area as the Heb claims. In 1994 and 1995, Orvana Minerals completed programs of geological mapping and geochemical sampling on the area as the Heber claims. In 2011, Universal Ventures Inc. completed a program of geochemical sampling, geological mapping and an airborne geophysical survey on the area as the Tib claims, Tibor property.

In 2018 an interpretive study was conducted on the Trio property by tenure holder K. Galambos. The study included air photo and geophysical interpretation as well as historical research and limited prospecting on the area surrounding Trio Mountain (Assessment Report 38109).

EMPR ASS RPT 14551, 23547, 24090, 32983, 33706, 38109
EMPR EXPL 1985-C191
EMPR PF (Unknown (unknown): Air Photo - Overlay - Sample Locations - BC4419-201, Unknown (unknown): NTS Map 092F/13W - Upper Campbell showing magnetite occurrence on the Heber River, Unknown (unknown): Air Photo - Overlay - Geology - BC4419-205, Noranda Exploration Co. Ltd. (1961-11-26): Report on Ucona Property, C.I. Godwin (1969-10-01): Heber River Property Report, J.C. Stephen (1971-05-17): Report - Heber River, Marmon Exploration Ltd. (1976-06-01): Report on Trim Magnetite-Copper Claims, J.C. Stephen (1977-03-01): Project 117 - Target Project - First Quarter Report Jan. - Mar. 1977, Unknown (1977-05-17): Field Notes - Target Project, Heber River Area, unknown (1977-05-21): Air Photo - Overlay - Geology - BC4419-203, unknown (1977-05-21): Air Photo - Overlay - Sample Locations - BC4419-221 and 222, unknown (1977-05-21): Air Photo - Overlay - Geology - BC4419-172, unknown (1977-05-21): Air Photo - Overlay - Sample Locations - BC4419-170, Camp Charlie, J.C. Stephen Exploration Ltd. (1977-05-27): Certificate of Analysis and Field Report - 39591 - Heber River, J.C. Stephen (1977-07-01): Project 117 - Target Project - Second Quarter Report April - June 1977, J.C. Stephen (1977-10-10): Project 117 - Target Project - Third Quarter Report April - Sept. 30, 1977, J.C. Stephens Explorations Ltd. (1977-12-01): Annual Report 1977 - Target Project 117)
GSC MAP 17-1968; 1386A
GSC OF 463
GSC P 68-50; 72-44; 80-16
PR REL Universal Ventures Inc., Oct. 10, 2012