The Contented 2 occurrence is located on a northerly flowing tributary of Cook Creek, approximately 2 kilometres northwest of the creek mouth on the Alberni Canal.
The area is underlain by Upper Triassic Karmutsen Formation (Vancouver Group) basalts, in association with underlying granodiorites of the Lower Jurassic Island Plutonic Suite.
The zone consists of a flat-lying, massive, 10 centimetre wide, sulphide vein composed of pyrrhotite and pyrite. It is not known if this structure is a true vein or rather an exhalative lens of sulphide.
Work History
In 1982, Noranda Mining and Exploration completed a program of rock, silt and soil sampling on the Contented 1-2 claims. Samples are reported to contain up to 18.51 grams per tonne silver and 8.4 per cent copper (Assessment Report 12044).
During 1996 through 2006, SYMC Resources prospected the area as part of the Macktush property along the west side of the Alberni Inlet, now called the Dauntless property.
During 2009 through 2011, G4G Resources completed programs of geological mapping and rock and soil sampling on the area as the Macktush Copper property. Also in 2011, the area was prospected as the Hook Bay Copper property. In 2012, Nahminto Resources completed a satellite remote sensing survey and analysis on the Macktush group. In 2014, D.W. Ferguson completed a program of prospecting and rock sampling on the area as the Hook Bay Cu property.
In 2020, Langford Exploration, on the behalf of Canadian International Pharma Corp., completed a program of geological mapping, prospecting and geochemical (rock, soil and stream sediment) sampling on the area as the Hook Bay property (092F 616).