The Stan occurrence is located on Pickup Creek, a tributary of Drinkwater Creek.
The area is underlain by cherty argillite and tuff of the Paleozoic Sicker Group. The sediments and volcanics are overlain by limestone of the Permian to Pennsylvanian Azure Lake Formation, Buttle Lake Group. A large granodiorite stock of the Jurassic Island Plutonic Suite is located approximately 2 to 4 kilometres east. Andesite and basalt dikes in the area are related to volcanic activity that postdates the limestone. Locally, the quartz diorite dikes and stocks are related to the Early to Middle Jurassic Island Plutonic Suite. Hybrid rocks are common, and there is evidence of granitization in the area southwest of Love Lake. A regional, northwest- trending fault extends from Bedwell Lake through Love Lake.
Locally, foliated rhyolites host sulphide mineralization of pyrite bands and minor chalcopyrite.
In 1987, the area was explored by Cream Silver Mines as the Stan claims. Three samples of mineralized material assayed 1900, 1000 and 1150 parts per billion gold respectively, and up to 25.0 parts per million silver (Assessment Report 16496).